
作者&投稿:鱼堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Mobile phones are the main invention of modern technology. If we look at our society, we can see that all kinds of people are using mobile phones,including the students in school .
And phones have many advantages.The main advantage of mobile phones is that people can use them anytime and anywhere, so they can use it for an emergency. In addition, people can access the internet whenever they use the mobile phones, so business people can use them at work to get information from the internet more conveniently.Moreover, it is very easy to send messages to your friends.
However they also can bring the disadvantages to us.
(1) first of all,they influence the rest. Chat messages, delay academic; Bad information, pollution soul;
(2) compare the wind. Because the phone models in renovates ceaselessly, appearance, the function, the price can be more object, psychological nature will affect competition with learning and students' state of mind. In this case, for mobile phone will encourage teenagers don't correct values and consumption psychology.
(3) influence the school security. As more and more students to bring mobile phone in the door, the ShiQieAn sometimes happens, at the same time outside the school "g m" member also turned to look a cell phone.
So I appeal to the students for paying more attetion to our studies not phones.



Dear Editor,I’m a senior high school student. Now many students use mobile phones. They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones. Besides, it’s very convenient to get in touch with their families and friends by using mobile phones. But now some students bring their mobile phones to the classroom. We are often disturbed by the ring of mobile phones when having classes. What’s worse, some of them even waste precious time sending text messages in class.In my opinion, a classroom is a place for us students to gain knowledge. We are supposed to focus on our studies. Meanwhile, students should be forbidden to use mobile phones in the classroom.Your sincerely,Li Hua 略


答:随着手机的日益普及,手机也进入了与我们息息相关的校园,在每个班级中,拥有手机的学生,不占少数,据某中学的问卷调查结果显示,有48%的学生每天带手机上学 ,有73%的学生拥有手机,某业的手机生产商把中学生视为他们将来庞大的销售市场,中学生使、用手机更应该值得关注。使用手机的目的 1. 亲人赠送...



答:中学生使用手机利大于弊的观点1、使用手机可以加强信息交流,增强人与人之间的情感交流2、使用手机可以用于上网查询资料,帮助学习 3、上学、放学途中遇到突发事情,可以及时与家长联系4、可以玩智力游戏,开发智力,调节大脑等.5、一些手机的拍摄功能,可以随时拍下一些有意义有价值的东西. 6、里面的闹钟装置,...

答:随着经济的发展,手机也走进了我们息息相关的校园,现在中学生带手机已经成为校园里的一道“亮丽”的风景,为了让中学生了解中学生带手机的利与弊,我们便制定了相关课题《《关于中学生带手机的利与弊》》。 2.研究的目的与意义: 让中学生了解带手机的利与弊,以致于更合理地使用手机。 3.活动计划: A:活动步骤概述 第...

答:(本人和手机行业电信行业无任何联系)l 任何事情和现象,首先要审示其积极有益的一面,不能只盯其弊害,再说,事物都有其利\害的两面性.l 关于中学生用手机问题,我以为10分可以.认为弊大于利的,往往是成人定向思维造成的认识,如果站在中学生的角度,特别是站在中学生成长和发展的角度,是完全有益的.l 不...

求中学生社会调查报道 2000字左右
答:随着手机的日益普及,手机也进入了与我们息息相关的校园,在每个班级中,拥有手机的学生,不占少数,据某中学的问卷调查结果显示,有48%的学生每天带手机上学 ,有73%的学生拥有手机,某业的手机生产商把中学生视为他们将来庞大的销售市场,中学生使、用手机更应该值得关注。 中学生使用手机无非就是在学校里,比如到了学校...

答:手机是贵重物品,若有不良行为的学生会发生偷盗现象。据反映,我校有个别班级出现钱、钱包被盗,手机如果不随身携带,也会被盗。在一些发达国家,学校的管理者比我们更早地遇到了这一问题,手机所带来的恶劣影响也更为突出,已经引发了中学生的犯罪,有手机的中学生也成为一些犯罪分子欺骗和抢劫的对象。 7、使用手机会妨碍...

答:Mobile phones for high school students who are not financially viable can be regarded as a kind of high consumption, which will lead to students' psychological comparisons and affect their physical and mental health. In fact, I also said that children are prohibited from bringing ...