求一篇英语的电影读后感,第一段介绍全文,二介绍电影,三从一个方面入手解析电影,四结论 求一篇英语的电影介绍,要是美国的电影,英语要是初二水平的,能...

作者&投稿:裴沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
相信每一个看过影片的观众,都会对“八公”的忠诚而感动不已,我也不例外。我想是因为在物欲横流的现实中,“忠诚”愈加难能可贵,因此才会显得如此的美好感人。“八公”让我哭,是因为忠诚这一质朴的情感和片中男主人公教授的钢琴声一样深深打动了我心,“八公” 的身影和教授的琴声与我内心深处对“忠诚”的企盼产生了共鸣。一条狗都可以用短暂的一生等待它的主人,我们中能做到的人却很少,希望大家共同努力,共建美好的明天。
Loyalty, one of the world 's most beautiful word, since the birth of human, he is deeply rooted in everyone's heart. It does not have a legal definition, but everywhere. It has no written agreement, the standard of judge and so clear. From the state to the party, from the social relation to faith, no one questioned why it exists, it is so no room, so it is easy to get and lose. Just like in love, loyalty is like money, only when you have time, you can experience it once in your side.
In a weekend occasionally read" love story" tells the story of a university professor has adopted a Akita dog, named " s". After the day 's early on, professor to the station, waiting for the professor to go home in the evening. Unfortunately, the professor was died, she never returned to the station, then eight in9 years still waiting at the station on time every day, until the last to die.
I believe every movie audience, will be on the" s" loyalty and moved, I am no exception. I think it's because in the materialistic reality," loyalty" more praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct, it will seem so beautiful and touching. " Hachi" make me cry, because it is loyal plain feelings and hero of the professor of piano as deeply touched my heart," Hachi" figure and a professor of music and my heart on the" loyalty" hope resonate. A dog can use the short life waiting for its owner, we can do the little people, hope everybody joint efforts, to build a better tomorrow.


"2012" is the movie I like best. This is a disaster movie. This is a story about a scientist discovered that the world is coming to an end in 2012. In his report to the president. The president and other world leaders made a plan. When disaster strikes, the whole world is destroyed in earthquake, everywhere is the tidal inundation. Only some people saved because some of the world's leaders decided to make some big modern ship two years ago to escape in the disaster.

Inception is a 2010 American science fiction film written, produced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe,Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Dileep Rao,Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine. DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, athief who extracts information from the unconscious mind of his victims while they dream. Unable to visit his children, Cobb is offered a chance to regain his old life in exchange for one last job: performing inception, the planting of an idea into the mind of his client's competitor. Development began roughly nine years before Inception was released. In 2001, Nolan wrote an 80-page treatment about dream-stealers, presenting the idea toWarner Bros. He spent six months polishing up the script for Inception before Warner Bros. purchased it in February 2009.Filming spanned six countries and four continents, beginning in Tokyo on June 19, 2009 and finishing in Canada in late November of the same year. ComposerHans Zimmer scored the film, using parts of Edith Piaf's song "Non, je ne regrette rien".
Inception was officially budgeted at $160 million, a cost that was split between Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures. Inception premiered in London on July 8, 2010 and was released in both conventional and IMAX theaters on July 14, 2010.Released to critical acclaim, the film grossed over $21 million on its opening day, with an opening weekend gross of $62.7 million.
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), along with point man Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), is on an extraction mission within the mind of a powerful Japanese businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe); a form of corporate espionage through dreams. Pain is felt in dreams, but death results in awakening. Cobb carries a totem in the form of a spinning top which originally belonged to his deceased wife Mal (Marion Cotillard), to determine whether he is dreaming or awake, which spins unceasingly or topples, respectively. The extraction fails due to the intervention of Mal, whose memory haunts Cobb's mind and sabotages his missions. Saito reveals that he is in fact auditioning the team to perform the act of inception: using dreams to implant an idea. He promises to have murder charges against Cobb cleared so that he can return to the U.S. and visit his children, in return for the mission's success.
The target is Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy), son of Saito's terminally ill corporate rival, Maurice Fischer (Pete Postlethwaite). The objective is to convince Fischer to break up his father's empire. Cobb recruits Eames (Tom Hardy), a forger who can change appearance inside dreams, Yusuf (Dileep Rao), a sedative chemist, and Ariadne (Ellen Page), a student whom he and Arthur train as an architect to design dream worlds. When the elder Fischer dies in Sydney, Saito and the team share the flight with Robert Fischer back to Los Angeles and drug him. They enter Yusuf's dream, a rainy downtown area, and kidnap Fischer. However, they come under attack by Fischer's trained unconscious mind projections, and Saito is badly injured. Due to the strength of the sedatives and multiple dream layers, death will result in the person going into limbo, a world of unconstructed dream space, for a seemingly indefinite time. Cobb reveals to Ariadne that he spent years with Mal in limbo, where they shaped their own world and lives. After waking, Mal remained convinced she was dreaming and committed suicide, persuading Cobb to do so by incriminating him in her death, but he instead fled the U.S. and the murder charges.
Eames changes into Peter Browning (Tom Berenger), Fischer's godfather, to extract information from him. The team then enter a van and are sedated into Arthur's dream, a hotel, where the team convinces Fischer that the kidnapping on the first level was orchestrated by Browning and that he must enter his godfather's mind to determine his motives. They in fact enter into a third level of Eames's dream, where Fischer must break into a snowy mountain fortress to reveal the planted idea. To wake and protect the team, a member stays behind at each level with synchronized kicks: Yusuf driving the van off a bridge, Arthur crashing an elevator containing the team's bodies in a zero gravity sequence, and Eames detonating explosives in the mountain fortress.
Fischer is killed by Mal and goes into limbo. Ariadne and Cobb follow him down and confront her. There Mal attempts to convince Cobb to stay in limbo by making him question reality, referring to events that occurred while he was awake. Cobb reveals that he had originally planted the idea in Mal's mind to wake, making him indirectly responsible for her suicide. She attacks him, but Ariadne shoots her. Cobb remains in limbo to locate a now dead Saito, while Fischer and Ariadne return to the mountain fortress where he comes to the conclusion that his father wanted him to be his own man. Cobb eventually locates an aged Saito and tells him that they need to return to reality. He suddenly wakes on the plane to find everyone up and well. Saito honors their arrangement; Cobb enters the United States and finally returns home to his children. Cobb spins his totem top to test reality, but is distracted by the reunion.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Dominic Cobb, the Extractor
Ellen Page as Ariadne, the Architect
Marion Cotillard as Mallorie Cobb, the Shade
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Arthur, the Point Man
Ken Watanabe as Mr. Saito, the Tourist
Tom Hardy as Eames, the Forger
Dileep Rao as Yusuf, the Chemist
Cillian Murphy as Robert Michael Fischer Jr., the Mark
Tom Berenger as Peter Browning, Fischer's godfather
Michael Caine as Prof. Stephen Miles, Cobb's mentor and father-in-law,
Pete Postlethwaite as Maurice Fischer, Robert's dying father.
Lukas Haas as Nash, an architect in Cobb's employment

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