
作者&投稿:挚毅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
haotu111 翻译的不错! 个别地方我做了下调整和重新翻译,现将整理后的翻译提供如下,仅供参考:


Responsible for the organization and supervision of the company's financial operation.

Having drafted the feasibility research report and the financial analysis report for the company's two large-scale projects and laid a solid foundation for successful operation of the two projects which have become the company's backbone projects.

Aside by having established brand-new ways of submitting forms and data, I have expanded the previous forms and data, and advanced the submission time of forms and data by 5 days from 17th to 12th of each month and achieved effective communication of financial information between the company and the headquarters and among relevant divisions in China and the West.For the correct and timely submission,I received wide praise from the company leaders.

Having successfully promoted smooth communication between the third-party audit team and the company leaders.


Responsible for the organization and supervision of the compay's financial operation/work.


2. Compile/Write the feasibility research and financial analysis for the company's two large-scale projects and lay the solid foundation for their successful operation, which are the company's backbone projects now.


In addition to setting up new ways of submitting forms and data, I expanded the original forms and data, advanced the time of submission from the 17th to 12th each month and achieved the effective exchange of financial information between the company and the headquarters and differences in financial information between China and the West. I won the recognition and praise from the company leaders for the correct and timely submission.


Successfully assist the smooth exchange between the third-party audit team and the company leaders.

1.Be responsible for a company finance the organization of the work and take charge of
2.Write possibility research paper and financial analysis report for the company two large items, succeeded to carry a camp to lay foundation for the company two main category purposes, two main category eyes have become a company to pay pillar item currently

3.In addition to build up an all new report in addition to sending a way, also enlarged at first a statement data, send report time advance from every 17th to every 12th, carry out company and headquarters finance information, medium western finance information the valid exchanges of the difference, because of the accuracy of statement sex gets a company to lead in time of give public recognition and endorse

4.The smooth exchanges helping successfully the third square to audit a team and company leadership




1. In charge of the organization and supervision of financial matters of the company.

2. Compiled the fesibility study report and the financial analysis report for the company's two large-scaled projects, laid the foudation for the two projects to run smoothly, the two projects have become the mainstay of the company.

3.Apart from creating brand new ways of reporting and submittion, the original statement data was also updated. The time for reporting and submittion was advanced to the 12th of each month from the 17th, in order to achieve the more effective communication between the company and the headquarter and smoothen the Chinese and Western financial differences. Paises were gained from our company leaders for the accuracy and puncturation of the reports.

4. Successfully assisted the communication between the third party auditing team and the company leaders.

1. In charge of the organization and supervision of financial matters of the company.

2. Compiled the fesibility study report and the financial analysis report for the company's two large-scaled projects, laid the foudation for the two projects to run smoothly, the two projects have become the mainstay of the company.

3.Apart from creating brand new ways of reporting and submittion, the original statement data was also updated. The time for reporting and submittion was advanced to the 12th of each month from the 17th, in order to achieve the more effective communication between the company and the headquarter and smoothen the Chinese and Western financial differences. Paises were gained from our company leaders for the accuracy and puncturation of the reports.

4. Successfully assisted the communication between the third party auditing team and the company leaders.

(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……





It should be much noted that Chinese people like to be implicit , One man 's expression to love one woman will not too straightforward .Wearing clothes can not get her body to be too exposed and too weird

It will be much attentive that One man can't be too straightforward if he likes one woman
Wearing clothes can not make her body too exposed and too strange

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有哪些谜底是四字成语 谜面是四句话以上。
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