动车上的服务员常说的英语有什么 动车上的服务员常说的英语有什么

作者&投稿:万所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1请稍等一下,我查查看。 Excuse me for a second, I’ll check.
2洗脸间在哪里? Where is the lavatory?
3.请出示您的护照。May I see your passport, please?
4.我能将手提行李放在这儿吗? Can I put my baggage here?
5.是否可替我更换座位? Could you change my seat, please?
6.需要什么饮料? What kind of drinks do you have?
7.咖啡,茶,果汁,可乐,啤酒和调酒。 We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.
8.还要多久到达檀香山? How much longer does it take to get to Honolulu ?
9.这次班机会准时到达吗? Will this flight get there on time?
11请把您的行李放在座位下面 Put your luggage under the seat.
12列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27.
13餐车下午6点开始供应晚餐 Our restaurant opens at 6:00pm for supper.
Our next stop will be Lanzhou Station.Please prepare yourself for getting off the train.
15还有大约20分钟到达终点站 The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes.
16现在的时速大概90公里/小时 Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour.
17餐车在列车中部8号车厢 The restaurant is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.
The toilets are available only when the train is travelling.
19.Dear passengers, welcome to take XXXX(车次)train, the train is from XXX to XXX. 旅客们,大家好,欢迎乘座XXXX次列车,本列车是由XXX开往XXX。
20 During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chief or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you. 在旅途中,如果您有困难的话,请与乘务员或列车长或乘警联系,我们将尽最大力来帮助您。
21 The next station is XXXX, the train will arrive at XXXX and leave at XXX, stay XXX minutes. 前方到站XXX, XXX到,XXX开,停靠XXX分钟。
22Passengers without buying tickets, please go to NO.XX car and make up the ticket. (因时间紧)没有买票的旅客,请到XX号车厢办理补票手续。
23The distribution of the cars: dinning car in XXX, sleeping car ..., seating car,,,,, 列车分布: 餐车在XX号车厢,卧铺XXX号车厢,硬座XX号车厢
24And if you have any questions or requirements, please let me know, I will try my best to answer and help you.

有说服务员是不和铁路局签劳动合同的是吗? 动车组上的乘务员应该是而服务员可能是指餐车的服务人员,可以是铁路局委托的服务公司(如海南航空)



waiter/waitress on high-speed railway

答:him. 'I'm in no hurry.'“慢慢来,”克罗斯对他说,“我一点都不急。”5、Please enjoy your lunch/dinner.dinner 英 [ˈdɪnə(r)] 美 [ˈdɪnɚ]n.晚餐;宴会;正餐,主餐 Would you like to stay and have dinner?你留下来一起吃饭好吗?

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