哪位大侠帮忙翻译一下啊,前台行政文员的工作内容,谢谢各位啦! 行政前台译成英语怎么说

作者&投稿:宰夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
- operator, visitor reception, send and receive faxes, letters, newspapers and periodicals.
- for the group of employees visa and travel reservation.
Update group mail list and business card sorting and input system.
Responsible for documentation within the office of president, health, green management.
- ready for the meeting to do data preparation, notification and contact sites and other participants.
- responsible for the meeting minutes and after finishing, in time to the departments communicate meeting requirements.
- responsible for the company's important documents, certificates, contracts, keeping the collection and collation.
According to the requirements for leadership, to complete the relevant notice, report, document drafting, revision.
In accordance with the company seal management regulations, the custody of the use of group and the official seal of the company.
- various types of seal document scanning and audit proofreading work.
Statistics monthly attendance and the Ministry of personnel.
- the management and maintenance of office equipment and office expenses statistics and reimbursement.
To assist the leadership group of cultural activities.



Administrative Receptionist

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给位大侠帮帮 翻译一下啊 女朋友让翻译的

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