求 九年级上册英语第5单元短语 新目标 急!!!

作者&投稿:巨杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1、be long to属于;
2、listen to classical music听古典音乐;
3、at school上学、求学、在学校;
4、go to the concert去听音乐会
5、have any/some idea知道 have no idea不知道
6、a math test on algebra有关代数的数学考试;
7、the final exam期末考试
8、because of因为;
9、a present for his mother送给她妈妈的礼物
10、run for exercise跑步锻炼;
11、wear a suit穿西装;
12、make a movie拍电影
13、in our neighborhood在我们附近、在我们小区;
14、have fun玩耍、取闹
15、his or her own idea她(他)自己的看法;
16、late night深夜
17、an ocean of许许多多、无穷无尽的;
18、be care of=look out当心、小心
19、pretend to do sth假装干…;
20、use up用完、用光


我过去起床很晚。I used to get up late.
I am used to getting up early.
等一会儿 wait a minute
Did you use to play the piano?
I am interested in studying English.
她喜欢踢足球。I like playing soccer.
我在游泳队。I am on the soccer team.
I am a member of the soccer team.
人们确实改变。People sure change.
He used to be afraid of the dark.
害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth
害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth
一个寂寞的男孩 a lonely boy
感觉寂寞 feel lonely
独自呆在家里 stay alone at home
坐飞机飞行 fly in an airplane
上飞机 get on the plane
下飞机 get out of the plane
在黑暗中 in the dark
在夜晚 in the evening
in front of a group of people
go to bed with the bedroom light on
watch the match on TV
spiders and other insects
what else / what other things
be afraid of / be terrified of gym class
I don’t worry about the tests.
一直,总是 all the time
吃糖 eat candy
嚼口香糖 chew gum
My biggest problem is that I’m too busy.
忙于做某事 be busy doing sth
忙于某事 be busy with sth
如此多的时间 so much time
如此多的规矩 so many rules
这些天 these days
直接回家 go right home
吃晚饭 eat dinner
(spend) spend time/money doing sth
(spend) spend time / money on sth
做某事花费某人一些时间(take)It takes sb some time to do sth
eat 过去式,过去分词,现在分词 eat—ate—eaten --eating
不再 no longer / no more / not …any longer/ not …any more
整天 all day
和某人聊天 chat with sb
chat 过去式,过去分词,现在分词 chat—chatted—chatted—chatting
带我去音乐会 take me to concerts
I have time to do my homework.
同义句 I have time for homework.
I have money to buy a car.
同义句 I have money for a car.
怀念过去的日子 miss the old days
My life has changed a lot in the last/ past few years.
Great changes have taken place in China in the last / past 50 years.
My daily life is different from yours.
介意做某事 mind doing sth
Would you mind my smoking here?
I like reading comics.
Don’t worry about things so much.
It will make you stressed out.
我的朋友搬到另外一个城镇去了。My friend moved to another town.
be moved / be impressed
I grow my hair long.
She seems to be young
同义句 She seems young.
同义句 It seems that she is young.
She seems to know everything.
It seems that she knows everything.
an eleven-year-old boy
支付。。。 pay for (pay--paid—paid)
I can’t afford the house.
I can’t afford to pay for the house.
为他自己和家人惹麻烦 cause trouble / problems for himself and his family
陷入麻烦 get into trouble
处于麻烦中 be in trouble
摆脱麻烦 get out of trouble
对某人有耐心 be patient with sb
最后 in the end
make a difficult decision
决定做某事 decide to do sth
send him to a boys’ boarding school
send 过去式,过去分词,现在分词 send—sent—sent—sending
使某人吃惊的是 to one’s surprise
It was exactly what I needed.
Even though he is poor, he is happy.
以。。。为骄傲 (两个)
take pride in / be proud of
He has been dead for two years.
He died two years ago.
His death made us sad.
那条狗快死了。The dog is dying.
pay attention to your pronunciation
one of the best students in the class
feel good about oneself
It’s important for sb to do sth
be there for their children
放弃做某事 give up doing sth
把它放弃 give it up
别浪费时间。Don’t waste time.
change one’s mind
as Martin himself says
His mother looked after him as much as she could.
a recent conversation with his mother
改变某人的生活 change one’s life
画画 paint a picture
She used to be afraid high places.
You used to be short, didn’t you?


1 not at all --------------------一点也不
2 end up-------------------------最后
3 make mistakes------------------犯错误
4 later on-----------------------随后
5 be afraid to ------------------害怕
6 laugh at-----------------------嘲笑
7 take note ---------------------做笔记
8 look up------------------------查(字典)
9 make up------------------------组成
10 make vocabulary list-----------做单词表
11 English-language videos--------英语录象带
12 practice pronunciation---------练习发音
13 speaking skill-----------------口语技能
14 specific suggestions-----------明确的(具体的)建议
15 helped a lot-------------------帮助很大
16 get los of practice------------做了很多的练习
17 get excited--------------------感到兴奋
18 get pronunciation right--------正确发音
19 to begin with -----------------开始
20 it doesn't matter (if)---------(如果..)不是问题
21 complete sentence -------------完整的句子
22 change...into...---------------把...变成(当成)...
23 regards ...as...---------------视...为
24 stay angry(for years)...(about)(为...)生气了(很多年)
25 go by -------------------------(时间)流逝
26 decide not to do Sth-----------决定不做某事
27 deal with ---------------------解决
28 compare...to...----------------与...做比较
29 worry about -------------------担心...
30 face the challenge-------------面对挑战
31 break off----------------------中断,停止
32 try one's best-----------------尽某人的力
33 be angry with------------------对...生气
34 with the help on/of------------在...的帮助下
35 keep a diary-------------------记日记
36 working with friends-----------和朋友一起工作/学习
37 break off a friend ship -------中断友谊(绝交)
38 by think of a problem-----------通过思考问题
39 in a positive way---------------通过乐观的方法/想法

unit 2

1 be afraid of --------------------------害怕
2 straight hair -------------------------直发
3 over there-----------------------------在这里(口)
4 be more interested in -----------------更感兴趣
5 people sure change---------------------人当然在改变
6 put check------------------------------打勾
7 be ashamed of--------------------------为…而羞愧
8 flying in an airplane------------------乘飞机
9 speaking in front of a group-----------在小组前发言
10 be terrified of (doing Sth)------------害怕做某事
11 used to--------------------------------过去常常
12 be still afraid of---------------------仍然害怕…
13 in the last/past few years-------------在过去几年里
14 sleep with the light on----------------开着灯睡觉
15 worry about ---------------------------担心…
16 chew gum-------------------------------嚼口香糖
17 have so much time ---------------------有很多时间
18 chat with------------------------------与某人聊天
19 hardly ever ---------------------------几乎不
20 miss the old days----------------------怀念以前的老日子
21 daily life ----------------------------日常生活
22 primary school-------------------------小学
23 it seems that...-----------------------看起来……
24 be stressed out------------------------焦虑的,焦躁的
25 move to other town---------------------搬到别的城镇
26 complete a task -----------------------完成一个任务
27 problem child -------------------------问题儿童
28 afford to pay for ---------------------负担…的费用
29 to do this ----------------------------为了做这个
30 head teacher---------------------------班主任
31 get into trouble with the police-------和警察发生冲突
32 boarding school------------------------寄宿学校
33 as well as ----------------------------也
34 to one's surprise ---------------------令某人惊奇的是…
35 no longer /no more/not any more--------不再
36 take pride in/be proud to -------------为…而骄傲/自豪
37 pay more attention to -----------------在…上用更多的精力
38 a top student--------------------------名列前茅的学生
39 give up -------------------------------放弃
4o historical place-----------------------历史纪念地
41 to make learning history a real

1 be allowd to do Sth -------------------------------被允许做某事
2 get ears piercid---------------------------------打耳洞
3 instead of ---------------------------------------代替
4 stay up------------------------------------------熬夜
5 concentrate on--------------------------------集中精力在某事上
6 put one’s heart into ------------------------把心思放在…上
7 at present --------------------------------------现在
8 local hospital-----------------------------------当地的医院
9 reply to=answer----------------------------------回复
10 old people’s home-------------------------------养老院
11 get in the way of--------------------------------妨碍
12 care about --------------------------------------担心
13 take/pass/fail a test-------------------考试/通过考试/考试失败
14 feel like doing Sth------------------------------喜欢做某事
15 keep both----------------------------------------两个都…
16 at least-----------------------------------------至少
17 more often------------------------------------经常(更多频率)
18 have ten minutes off--------------------------十分钟的休息时间
19 permit=allow----------------------------------同意;允许
20 seem to do Sth / it seems that----------------…看起来(似乎)…
21 sometimes /sometime /some times /some time------------------
22 (be)serious about-----------------------------认真(严肃)对待…
23 spend time on Sth-----------------------------把时间花在…上
24 unhappy with Sb-------------------------------对某人不满
25 always = all the time-------------------------总是,一直
26 make up one’s mind =make one’s decision------做某人的决定
27 worry about------------------------------------担心…
28 achieve=realize--------------------------------实现
29 achieve one’s dream---------------------------实现某人的梦想
30 the importance of------------------------------…的重要性
31 the only thing I have ever wanted to do ---我曾经唯一想要做的事
32 have a chance of doing Sth---------------------有个机会做某事
33 be strict with Sb -----------------------------对某人要求严格
34 be strict in Sth(不知道对了没。应该是用“in”的) --–-----------------------------------------------------------对某事要求严格
35 the other day = a few days ago ----------------前几天
36 make a face /make faces-----------------------愁眉苦脸//做鬼脸
37 each other = one another-----------------------互相
38 be pleased with ------------------------------对…感到满意
39 against doing Sth------------------------------反对做某事
40 get to doing Sth-------------------------------开始做某事

Unit 4
1 put it in the bank--------------------------------放到银行里
2 give it to-----------------------------------------把它给…
3 medical research--------------------------------医学研究
4 not a bit = not at all-----------------------------一点也不
5 introduce Sb to Sb-----------------------------把某人介绍给某人
6 what if------------------------------------------如果…如何?
7 what to say and do ----------------------------说什么和做什么
8 get nervous -------------------------------------感到焦躁
9 get pimples-------------------------------------起痘痘
10 can be a lot of trouble-------------------------可能是很大的麻烦
11 give /make a speech---------------------------做一个演讲
12 without permission----------------------------未经允许
13 ask Sb be in a movie--------------------------请某人拍电影
14 ask one’s permission--------------------------申请某人的同意
15 invite Sb to do Sth----------------------------邀请某人做某事
16 introduce myself------------------------------自我介绍
17 be friends with…------------------------------和…交朋友
18 in the slightest---------------------------------一点也…
19 fairly confident-------------------------------十分自信
20 social situation--------------------------------社交行为
21 plenty of = a lot of---------------------------十分,足够的
22 according to ---------------------------------根据…
23 the company of------------------------------…的陪伴
24 come to Sb----------------------------------找(寻求帮助)某人
25 get along with =get on----------------------相处
26 right away-----------------------------------立刻,马上
27 prefer to do Sth rather than do Sth--------比起某事,更喜欢做某事
28 would rather do than do …-----------------喜欢做某事胜过做某事
29 a small circle of (very good friends) -------一个(朋友)圈子
30 have confident in Sb--------------------------对某人有信心
31 represent the class----------------------------代表班级
32 the solution to--------------------------------…的解决方法
33 let…down------------------------------------让…失望
34 be terrified of doing Sth----------------------害怕做某事
35 know of----------------------------------------知道,了解
36 the rest of--------------------------------------剩余的……
37 come out--------------------------------------出版/开花
38 get the medical help--------------------------医疗帮助
39 cold running water---------------------------冷的自来水
40 offer Sth to Sb-------------------------------为某人提供某物
41 danger of doing Sth---------------------------做某事的危险
42 be dangerous to do Sth------------------------做某事很危险
43 hide …from…--------------------------------使…远离…
44 internet friends--------------------------------网友
45 do a survery on-------------------------------关于…的调查
46 fall off /fall down-----------------------------摔下来/跌倒
47 cut oneself------------------------------------切到某人自己
48 come top ------------------------------------名列前茅
49 go alone --------------------------------------自己去
50 English speech contest ----------------------英语演讲比赛
51 by accident------------------------------------意外地

1 belong to--------------------------------------属于
2 hair band-------------------------------------发带
3 Oxfored University-------------------------牛津大学
4 use up---------------------------------------用光;用尽
5 toy car--------------------------------------玩具汽车
6 at the picnic--------------------------------在野餐聚会上
7 classical music-----------------------------传统(古典)音乐
8 must go to our school---------------------一定去我们学校
9 What’s going on? --------------------------发生了什么事
10 Sb must be dreaming----------------------某人一定在做梦
11 It has her name on it----------------------有她的名字在上面
12 go to the conter----------------------------去音乐会
13 drop Sth where----------------------------把某物落在某地
14 during the concert ------------------------在音乐会上
15 try to do /try doing------------------------尽力做/ 尝试做
16 at one’s optometrist appointment--------在某人的验光师约会上
17 test on algebra-----------------------------代数学上的测验
18 because of---------------------------------因为
19 a strange creature------------------------一个奇怪的生物
20 could be doing Sth----------------------可能在做某事
21 catch a bus-------------------------------赶公交车
22 be happening in (Sw) -------------------在某处发生
23 in the neighborhood----------------------在附近地区
24 get in the window------------------------进入窗户
25 escape from ------------------------------从…逃出来
26 be careful of------------------------------小心
27 write down -------------------------------写下
28 in the symphony hall---------------------在音乐会礼堂里
29 wear a suit--------------------------------穿西装
30 own ideas---------------------------------自己的想法
31 next door neighbor-----------------------邻居
32 get noisy = become noisy----------------变得噪乱
33 pretend to do Sth--------------------------假装做某事
34 strange smell-------------------------------奇怪的味道
35 late night ----------------------------------深夜
36 no more mystery in-----------------------不再有谜团
37 the director of-----------------------------…的领导
38 in one’s dream----------------------------在某人的梦里
39 get on / off--------------------------------上/下 (飞机、工交车)
40 final exam---------------------------------期末考试
41 kitchen things-----------------------------厨房用具
42 get into / out------------------------------上/下 (轿车)
43 smell like----------------------------------闻起来像