
作者&投稿:裘怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
无 英语资源频道为大家整理的关于母亲节英语作文:母亲节活动英语诗歌,供大家阅读参考。 妈妈呀,我拿什么来报答你?母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌诗词赞美母亲母亲节诗歌

Mom, what can I do to repay you? Mother's Day Mother's Day poetry praise poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise the mother day poetry praise mother day Poetry


Silent night. Fatigue of the day, I, quietly lying on the bed, but how also can't sleep. Somewhere there is an inexplicable force in pulling my nerve. Lit the lamp, he pulled a magazine, aimless. "The mother's heart", I can not help heart one Zhan, fine fine read, a story ran in front.


The story is that, a young child, unfortunately got a strange disease, and numerous medicine, but no cure. One day, the child in a log cabin in the mountains, met a shaman, witch doctor said: "I can cure you of the disease, but to treat this disease must have a medicine do primers." "Too good!" The child asked: "what do you want to use drugs?" "The disease is difficult to treat, you must use your mother's heart for medicine." The child heard, then hurriedly run toward the house. When it was dark, the child in the home, "my mom! I can cure disease!" "Is? Too good!" "However, the wizard said must have the heart of a mother for medicine." Mother after listening to Leng, kiss the child's forehead, turned and walked into the room. For a moment, the child heard her feeble voice, "child, come in!" The child entered the room. "Take a good, this is my mother's heart, you to cure." The child hands over the red heart, turned around and ran to the wizard. But, the night is too dark, the children turn, turn in the mountains ah, but how also can not find the wizard. In a hurry, the child will be a branch tripped, children were crying. At this time, the heart of a mother said: "the children, you feel pain?"......


Reading reading, my tears was flowing down, I was surrounded by a great love of power, lose self-control. Trance, I think of my mother, love on my toddler's eyes; think of the mother in the rain shadow after school, each school; think of me every time when ill, bedside gaunt face mother; in every setback, a mother's loving words; think of every trip, smile and temples that happy mother side added white hair. When I grow up day by day, into the work, and the heart of a mother is always with me, in the life each time tumbles, seem to hear her mother's voice: "child, hurt?".


Today when my career development, life became more and more stable, and began to have a family of my own. However, each home to mother's wrinkles are in growth, facing the old mother I occasionally go home have a look her, chat with her, give her the living expenses, and I do anything? Mother's memory began to decline, the body is getting worse, every time when seasonal diseases are always hit her. However, in the face of all this, I would also like to take care of their bodies and cared for her?


You are right. I suddenly a surprised, the Spring Festival this year did not go home, mother's body? I rushed to grab the phone, deeper night, but the phone just rang twice, microphone in came the mother of the old kind voice, mood, word stems in the throat, when Mike came over the white mother with love sound "child, are you?".


Joy and tears in my face Yang kai......


Mom, what can I do to repay you?


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