
作者&投稿:有俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一讲 现场管理概论第二讲 6S管理概要
第三讲 正确的现场管理意识
第四讲 6S活动启动
第五讲 6S现场规划
第六讲 6S现场实施
第七讲 6S活动推进
第八讲 6S管理维持
第九讲 现场改善手法
第十讲 现场目视管理
第十一讲 6S活动激励
第十二讲 6S活动深化
第一讲 精益生产概论:创造企业利润增长
第二讲 PMC职能建设:用最短交货周期实现准时制交货
第三讲 PMC职能建设:用最低成本实现准时制交货
第四讲 生产能力与效率提升:降低人工成本的唯一出路
第五讲 市场需求预测:更好的服务客户
第六讲 生产计划编制:快速响应市场变化
第七讲 生产计划管理:更好把握生产能力
第八讲 生产进度控制:进度滞后要标本兼治
第九讲 生产进度控制:加强标准化作业管理
第十讲 物料需求计划:准时制供应改善
第十一讲 精益物料配送:杜绝待料现象提高生产效率
第十二讲 供应链管理:整合供应链满足客户需求



An Alien Language
The blockbuster film Avatar has been a smash hit at the box office in the UK and around the world, becoming the fastest film ever to earn $1bn (7bn yuan) in ticket sales.

But as well as being an entertaining feast for the eyes, the sci-fi epic also introduces movie-goers to a brand new language invented especially for the film.

The movie is set on an alien planet called Pandora which is inhabited by many strange species. The most humanoid of the planet's inhabitants are the Na'vi, and it is the struggle between the Na'vi and human interlopers that forms the core narrative of the film.

The film has been released in 2D and 3D versions

In order to add authenticity to his vision of an alien race the film’s director James Cameron asked a professor of linguistics from the University of Southern California to invent a language for the Na'vi.

Professor Paul Frommer worked with James Cameron for four years to build upon the original 30 words or so that the director had already come up with for the language.

According to Professor Frommer, the most important aspect of the Na'vi language was that it could be articulated.

"This is an alien language but obviously it has to be spoken by human actors," Professor Frommer told the BBC, "it has to be sounds that human beings are comfortable producing."

The language currently has a lexicon of around 1000

It's 1939. The ebullient, playful Guido comes to town. He works as a waiter under his uncle's eye, an elegant man who is also a Jew. Guido falls for Dora, a schoolteacher, whom he calls "princess" and courts by popping up at unexpected times. She dumps her fiancé to choose Guido. The film jumps ahead to the last months of the war. Nora and Guido have a child, Giosué, and when Guido and the lad are shipped to a concentration camp, Dora voluntarily follows. Although the men and women in the camp are separated and a child is in mortal peril, Guido finds ways to communicate with Dora, to hide Giosué, and to convince him this is an elaborate game, a special contest to win a tank.

It is the year 1250 B.C. during the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans. But they come to a stop by Hector, Prince of Troy. The whole movie shows their battle struggles, and the foreshadowing of fate in this remake by Wolfgang Petersen of Homer's "The Iliad."

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!

5Fantastic Four 《神奇四侠》
Fantastic Four 《神奇四侠》 When an experimental space voyage goes awry, four people are changed by cosmic rays. Reed Richards, inventor and leader of the group gains the ability to stretch his body, and takes the name, Mr. Fantastic. His girlfriend, Sue Storm, gains the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, becoming the Invisible Girl. Her little brother Johnny Storm gains the ability to control fire, including covering his own body with flame, like a Human Torch. Pilot Ben Grimm is turned into a super-strong rocky Thing. Together, they use their unique powers to explore the strange aspects of the world, and to foil the evil plans by the likes of Doctor Doom, which is who the villain of this film will be. Even as they deal with the various threats that arise to threaten Earth's peace, the Four must also deal with the pressures of fame as the world's most famous superheroes, and the realities of being a super-powered family.

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