各位英语达人能不能帮我看看这篇自我介绍有没有语法问题, 帮忙修改后提交. 谢谢!!!!! 求救英语达人帮我看一下这面这篇自我介绍有没有错误的地方,谢啦...

作者&投稿:智哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1. hello, everyone!
→ 如果这是个比较正式的比赛,那么建议用正式的问候语,如: Good evening/moring/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

2.Very glad to take part in the game. (My mother is happy all day for this matter)
1)game是指你所参加的比赛吧?那么可能用 competition会比较好点。。。。the改为this(因为句子里面并没有先行词,个人看法,仅供参考)。
→ I'm really glad that I have the chance to take part in this competition.
2) 后面说mother那句去掉,这句起不到搞气氛的作用就不需要用了,给人感觉很怪和思维有点乱。

3. Let me introduce myself.
个人觉得可以去掉了,你上去讲话就是要自我介绍,这句有点多余。当然,也可以要,不过前面加一个 Now,会自然点。
→ Now, let me introduce myself.

4.I’m a student in a very beautiful school called Guangming High School and I am in Grade 8.
→ 改为 I'm a Grade 8 student in Guangming High School.

5.As you see, I'm a girl. And I'm 14. When i'm a student in Grade 6,I tried to enter this game. But i was eliminated. What a pity! Tody, i try my best again, i hope i can go further. emm.

6.i love singing(although i may sing bad) i can play guitar. but i can't play very well. i'm very lively and optimistic. And i love to laugh. i hope you will support me! thanks a lot .
自我介绍,个人觉得不宜减弱自己的优势。这里although i may sing bad和but i can't play very well 都可以去掉了 (虽然我知道你是好孩纸,谦逊和诚实,囧)。

改为→ Actually, being a high school student, sometimes I would be under pressure. Music is my good friend. In my spare time, I love singing and playing the guitar. Enjoying music is a nice way to say 'goodbye' to all the pressures and worries. It is said that smile girls are lucky. Hope this works on me because I love smiling all the time. Thank you.

自我介绍往往是参加比赛的第一步,第一印象非常重要,所以一定要有亮点才能让人一下记住你。Good luck = )

1. 加入社团等组织用“take part in",加入游戏活动用“join”。
2. “matter”用的不好,换一个表示活动或游戏的其他词。
3‘ 如你所见,我是一个女孩’中,加一个形容词:I'm a ( ) girl 更好些。
4. 好多I 应大写
5. play guitar 中少了the,乐器前加the,球类前不加the.
6. 倒数第二行"but i can't play very well."改为"But I can't play it very well"
7. 是不是加一句"Let me be your friend"更好一些。

I'm very glad......,this matter中matter用的不恰当,应该是saying badly,play the guitar,play the 加乐器名,总体来说还可以但有点中式英语的味道



修改如下 注:括号内为修改内容
(dear) Leaders, Members:
Hello, everybody!
My name is Li Na, My English name is Amy.
(I come) from Hebei province(.)
I am cheerful, honest, (and )easy to get along with others(. )(Also, I)likes climbing and
I am very pleased and honored to join the
"GE Healthcare China" to the family, where not only provided me with
a growth exercise, showing a good platform for (me), but also (gave) me the
chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends. (To be honest,) I am very grateful
to all the leaders, thank you all so give me a good opportunity.
There are many aspects of the knowledge I
need to learn(.)(But I) also hope in future we can work( well together!)
I believe that through our mutual
understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become (friends who)go
hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, (also )like-minded, woe
Finally, I (sinserely hope that)we can work
together for our common cause and work hard! dedecms.comThanks everyone!

英语达人帮忙看下这个句子,出自American Beauty
答:话说American Beauty里面有很多特别深刻的台词。。。我想这就是你想要的解释了吧,因为句意应该字幕已经给出了,不知道是不是这样:每天都在演戏,给别人看我们的婚姻多么“正常”。确实,我们之间除了“正常”也没有什么别的了。我翻得肯定没有字幕组翻得好,但是语法现象差不多说全了。呵呵。

答:这些灵魂破损的机器人类们 So what appears one is truly none.看起来是单独的个体,其实却什么都不是 翻译完毕。不了解背景,单从歌词来看,有些难以明白这里面的“它”究竟是什么。不过可以猜一下,我觉得可能是指政府、媒体之类,对社会有重大影响,又可能有控制社会、控制个人的意图的机构。

答:time, I have practiced my communication skills by being a tutor, propagating work or other jobs. Therefore, I'm more capable of ovecoming hardship. If I can work in you company, I'll try my best to finish the work.自己翻译的,您看看合不合适,应该没什么错误吧,哈哈 ...

答:to keep trying.英文方面水平仅限于此了,错处还请包涵。但是关于结构我想说两句,就是整篇文章看起来头重脚轻了点。如果可以修改下开头,把第一个段落变成开篇的总纲领,介绍整篇文章会涉及的内容,然后把吸烟的原因单独分成另外一个段落,应该会显得更好吧。当然,水平所限,仅供参考。

答:急急~!!!跪求一篇英语自我介绍~~请达人帮我写,别复制网上的~~~ 要去外企面试,希望大家帮我写下自我介绍。。我的情况:我是商务德语系的学生,今年6月毕业。。。性格开朗,待人真诚,善于沟通,吃苦耐劳,适应能力和接受能力较强。。。由于在校期间... 要去外企面试,希望大家帮我写下自我介绍。。我的情况:我是...

答:我的 请英语达人帮我翻译一下,谢谢大家了,我明天要用英语自我介绍~~ 我很想加入贵社,希望贵社给我一次面试的机会。在旅游行业最关键的在于经验。我是从导游一点点做起来的,全国大部分景点都去过,包括港澳和东南亚,当过领队。熟悉北京周边各个景点,熟... 我很想加入贵社,希望贵社给我一次面试的机会。在旅...

答:要加油哦~)2)like 和 love 的后面一定要加 to do 或者 doing. 从来没有加动词原形的情况呢。记牢哦。3)还有就是,整片文章没有一丁点点儿起伏呢那会很无聊哎~ 适当地用一些感叹句会有很大的帮助呢~【上面的文章我已经修改过了。希望你能够喜欢并欣赏我真正花了心思进去的回答哦。谢谢~】...

答:m ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米。I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语 Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣。So my English is very good.所以,我的英语很好。I acquire many award.我获得过很多奖项。I hope that every of you will love me。希望大家能喜欢我。


答:Then we went to the supermarket to buy some writing tools and food. We were ready getting our things and welcome our new term. In my new term, I plan to study harder,day day up. Goodbye my happy summer holiday!呃 随便改了改 有什么问题可以再问我 很爱学习嘛 鼓励!~...