帮忙把中文翻译成英文 微信上怎么把中文翻译成英文?

作者&投稿:贝乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.By the time the party ended, he already ate five pieces of cake.
2.She is a writer as well as a mother, therefore she is widely accepted by children.
3.The secretary led me to the manager's office and told me to wait for a moment.
4.Baseball is known as a very popular sport in America.
5.Does the name of this restaurant have anything to do with its owner's interests?
6.He returned to his hometown and continued to teach shortly after the war ended.
7.He always looked up to his uncle because he is an outstanding doctor and saved many lives.
8.He may not be a good father but he is definitely a good soldier.

1.When got together ended, he has already eaten five cake.
2.She not only is a writer, also is a mother, therefore her book receives the children to welcome very much
3.Secretary ushers in me manager's office, and lets me wait a bit the moment.
4.The baseball is an American very popular movement.
5.This restaurant name and the restaurant master's interest has the relations?
6.After the war ended him to return to the hometown to continue soon to teach the profession
7.He has respected his uncle very much, because he is an outstanding doctor, has saved many person's lives
8. He is not possibly a good father, but he definitely is a good soldier

1. While the party is over, he has already eaten five pieces of cake.
(By the time) 2. She is both one writer and one mother , welcomes
therefore her book accepts the children very much. (As well as) 3. The
secretary ushers me into manager's office , lets me wait a minute and.
(Lend. . To) 4. Baseball game is very popular one USA motion. (Be known
as) 5. Do this eatery name and interest of eatery host have something to
do? (Have something to do with) 6. He returns to a hometown right away
before long after war is over continue teaching career. (Shortly after)
7. He has revered his uncle always very much , has saved many lives
because of he is distinguished one doctor. (Look up to) 8. He may be not
a nice father , he is a nice soldier but affirmatively. (Not, But. .)










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