英语作文 关于学习的英语作文

作者&投稿:桑琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1. An interesting book

This winter vacation, I read a book called <<Alice in wonderland>> and i think that it is very interesting. It's about a little girl called Alice met a talking rabbit and followed the rabbit down a hole...... Allthough I didn't finsh reading it, but I think that the beginning is very exciting, i will try to finish it as much as possible!

2. The spring festival

The spring festival is a very important festival for the chinese. On the eve of the spring festival, we usually eat dumplings and watch the tv, some people also setoff fireworks.
Before, there is a dragon called 'nian' and every year on the eve of the spring festival, 'nian' comes and eats people, so every year people setoff fireworks to scare off 'nian'.
I love this year's spring festival!

3.how do you study english?

To learn good English, i used the following ways:
First to learn English well, you must know your grammar, only when you know how to use grammar, you can improve your English quickly. You can also listen to English tapes or watch Tv programs to improve your listening and also speaking.
Second, remember not to be shy when you speak to other people, they will not make fun of you, take a deep breath and smile when you're speaking to foreigners.
Finally, prepare a English notebook to write down all of the English words that you often make mistakes on. Day by day, i'm sure your English can improve alot!

4.table manners in china

in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

5.being a volunteer is great

I think being a vounteer is so great! When i was small, I loved to help people, now my dream came true! i'm a volunteer!
I enjoy bing a volunteer because i can talk with the foreigers and get to know about their culture!
Also, I really fell that i'm a grow-up, nt a child any more, I can help. Any ways, being a volunteer is great!

6. My best friend changed alot

I knew my best friend since grade one, and he's/she's been my best friend for six years. But we weren't in the same school when we graduated. This winter vacation, i met him/her. At first I didn't even know him/her, she/he changed alot!

7. The rules in our school

There are alot of rules in our school. such as :
1. you can't run in the hallways
2 you must come into the classroom on time
3. you can't insult people
and many other rules, if we do something and break these rules, then we're in big trouble. the teachers will talk to our parents and make us write apologies. Therefore, I don't want to break the rules!

8.One day when a little boy was sitting in a garden and drawing, a little girl came by and started picking flowers, The little boy saw it,and stopped her, he told her that the flower has life too. "If you like flowers so much, I can draw one for you!" Said the little boy. So he drew a picture with a lot of flowers on it, and gave it to the little girl.
This story tells us that we can't pick the flowers for ourselves because flowers are for all to see, not just for you.

9.My favourite teacher is my English teacher, her name is Mrs. Zhang. She's very pretty and very nice to us. She has long/short hair and big brown eyes. Not like other teachers, she always tries to make friends with the students and she always try to make friends with her students, I like her very much!


My parents work in a shoe factory. they get up at five thirty. they first get breakfast ready. then they go to work by bus. they work there from eight to five. they come home at about six and prepare super for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening, Father often makes toys for toys for us. they are busy all day

Hi,everyone.Today I want to introduce my new friend--Lucy White to you. She is fifteen years old and study in Parkwood School in America. Her father is a bus driver and her mother is a salesman. She has a brother who is a Thon.5th grade student. She likes playing basketball,listening to music,and surfing the internet.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.
It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar's new year.In the evening before the Spring Festival,families get together and have a big meal.
In many places people like to set off firecrackers,Dumplings are the most traditional food.
Children like the festival very much,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes.
They can also get some money from their parents.
This money is given to children for good luck.
People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.
The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long.People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.People enjoy the Spring Festival,during this time they can have a good rest .

关于学习的英语作文,我们可以掌握技巧,这样写起来更顺利。阿卡索有学员分享了范文,大家可自行参考下载。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取欧美一对一外教课一节,还可以免费测试英语水平哦~学英语,欢迎大家来阿卡索,纯正外教一对一教学,外教皆持证上岗,跟着外教学习纯正的口语,价格也是很划算的,课均不到20元,保证每一位学员在这里都能找到合适的外教老师!关于学习的英语范文:English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First, you should take notes and take them here and there. When you’re free, you can take them out and read it. Next, you should read English loudly. Many students know many grammars, but talking with others is hard. So reading is very important. It can make progress in your talking and listening, and it can also make you get excited, let you have a nice day. Then, talk with people in English; it’s interesting and very used. Finally, most importantly, try your best to learn English. No pains, no gains. I hope you can improve your English. Good luck! 不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

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