一个超难的问题,从去年已经问N遍了,希望高手解答 关于动漫的一个超难问题 希望高手解答

作者&投稿:隆树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I imagine what ambit I can reach, what kinds of player I can become,I really know my goal, I concentrate myself to get there.
I never care about the result of the match when I lose it, why? The reason is very simple, you will always think negative, pessimistic when you considering the aftereffect.
Someone will stop his step after being terrified by failure, because they found other’s frustration or just unsatisfactory, then they began to worry about their future or embarrassment.
As for me , if you want to achieve your enterprise. you must venture what you should do , I will face hardships and dangers bravely,
You can never do anything when you pessimise or blame everyone and everything but not oneself , Don’t need to think too much ,just go forward determinedly, make great efforts to pursue, Any fear just is the shadow of a shade,Perhaps you think you will face too many thorn, but they just paper tiger, there have many chance to make you success ,what you have to do is perseverant to your goals.
Perhaps the result is not what you want ,but I can confirm the thoughts I belongs,also I have courage to try it. The failure only makes me great effort to finish it next time.
My suggestion : think optimistically, find the impetus from the failure.
Sometimes failure makes a great step to success, perhaps it don’t have any effect times from time to time ,but you can make close to the answer, The great invention of the world have experienced hundreds of times before the setbacks and missteps can success.
I think most of their fear from the lack of focus.
If I stand on the free-throw line, but the brain think of that 10 million viewers watching me, and I may be loss. Therefore, I strive to envisage myself in a very familiar place, never been missed each free throws, also this times I will be well-trained technology.
Don’t need to worry about the outcome, you are aware that you will not be missed. So relax, shots, shots on a foregone conclusion after all, and why hesitates to do so.
I did what I have said.
I take peacetime training and the same race equally, not favoritism. Because you can not expect a so-so training in the competition will bring future success.
How many people start to prepare at the last moment, when it comes to do? This is precisely the reason for their failure. They vowed to do their things do their best, what they said was given an extravagantly colourful descriptionvery and have done all apparent seriousness. Once things to be caught unprepared on the imminent, they will find an excuse prevarication everywhere perfunctory.
We should know that the road to success rugged, difficult and dangerous to whom are equal to describe.
But you do not need to soloiter around. don’t need to fold back to abandon efforts when have a wall in front of you, Try to climb past, go beyond the past, even if it will not hit back.

I swear to God, I, Jordan, and basketball players, Michael • Jordan, and never give up!

If you believe
I know you can
Make it happen for yourself
I can see it in your eyes
It's in your hands
So don't ever stop
This is your destiny
It's meant to be
For you to have|what you want
Hey, baby,|now is your time
For you to win|for you to fly
So let all your dreams|help you succeed
To another way of life|The one you long for inside
The one you thought|you'd never lead
If you believe
I know you can
Make it happen|for yourself
I can see it|in your eyes
It's in your hands|So don't ever stop
This is your destiny|It's meant to be
For you to have|what you want
If you believe|I know you can
Make it happen|for yourself
I can see it in your eyes
It's in your hands|So don't ever stop
This is your destiny|It's meant to be
For you to have|everything you want in love

mariah carey--make it happen
好象是jordan最后一届全明星,mariah carey穿着奇才23号裙子为JORDAN演唱的

的确很难,快进到20分14秒,依旧是没听出什么名堂,最后面的男声也有点轻啊~真不好意思 ,答不出来




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