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作者&投稿:台怖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
loreena mckennitt专辑:a winter garden
god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!
歌坛最受瞩目的新人张韶涵,在“Over The Rainbow”发片记者会上,首度现场演唱了“Over The Rainbow”及“呐喊”两首专辑中的新歌,厚实具穿透力的歌声,展现了人小力量大的实力,令现场媒体相当震撼!回首音乐来时路,张韶涵一路走得并不顺遂,甚至在她15岁前,还被家人嫌弃是破锣嗓子呢!经制作人林隆璇牵线,2001年和福茂唱片签约,又等了两年多,终于拥有第一张个人专辑!因为当初福茂总经理张耕宇觉得她的声音很特别,可是却有点僵硬,培训许久一度陷入瓶颈。听到几位贵宾不断肯定自己的努力,张韶涵一旁不禁红了眼眶,因为原本以为出唱片只要开口唱歌就好的Angela,没想到唱歌其实真是一件不简单的事!尤其是“MVP情人”及“海豚湾恋人”的戏剧演出经验,让她知道在唱歌时如何将感情注入其中,唱起歌来也更深刻!被问到为何搞疯五个制作人时,她笑笑说,因为她唱歌因为每天的心情都不一样,所以每次都诠释得也不太一样,有时制作人觉得只要补唱几句,可是完全接不上前一天的情绪,所以每次重唱都是从头唱到尾。等待许久,张韶涵终于美梦成真,拥有第一张自己的专辑“Over The Rainbow”,她说,接下来的心愿,是希望买一栋房子,全家可以有个安定的地方。


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

歌手:loreena mckennitt 专辑:a winter garden

god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

歌手:loreena mckennitt 专辑:a winter garden

god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

歌手:loreena mckennitt 专辑:a winter garden

god rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay
remember christ our saviour
was born on christmas day
to save us all from satan\'s power
when we were gone astray.
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

"fear not," then said the angel
"let nothing you affright
this day is born a saviour
of a pure virgin bright
to free all those who trust in him
from satan\'s pow\'r and might"
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

the shepherds at those tidings
rejoiced much in mind,
and left their flocks a-feeding
in tempest, storm and wind
and went to bethlehem straightaway
this blessed babe to find
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

but when to bethlehem they came
whereat this infant lay
they found him in a manger
where oxen feed on hay
his mother mary kneeling
unto the lord did pray
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!

now to the lord sing praises
all you within this place
and with true love and brotherhood
each other now embrace
this holy tide of christmas
all others doth deface
o tidings of comfort and joy,
comfort and joy;
o tidings of comfort and joy!


God Rest You Merry Gentlemen


答:word 英[]wɜ:d 美[]wɜ:rd 词典释义 [名]wordn.单词;话语;诺言;消息 speechn.演说,演讲,发言;说话,谈话,说话能力或方式;(乐器的)音,音色;方言,民族语言 charactern.性格;角色;特点;字母 a surname姓

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