把这些翻译成英语,实在有点难懂,谁能做好就谢了! 国际版qq 怎么把中文 改为英语,发过去给老外是英语,我写的...

作者&投稿:秋雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
When fully mechanized top-coal caving hydraulic support have to fall into the big l coal, the plug-in boards jack piston rod can be cut cause leakage. Plug-in boards jack for the protection of the piston rod, design the piston rod protection device. Introduced the protection device design, expounds its working principle and remove the method. This unit solved flashboard and jack piston rod be scratched problems, and can be inserted board with free expansion in the tail beam the cabinet, when broken into the cabinet of coal plug-in boards, free fall out of coal, and in underground when using can convenient tear open outfit, reduce the maintenance support labor strength and improving coal mine production efficiency.

蒽、这是翻译:When fully mechanized top-coal caving hydraulic support have to fall into the big l coal, the plug-in boards jack piston rod can be cut cause leakage. Plug-in boards jack for the protection of the piston rod, design the piston rod protection device. Introduced the protection device design, expounds its working principle and remove the method. This unit solved flashboard and jack piston rod be scratched problems, and can be inserted board with free expansion in the tail beam the cabinet, when broken into the cabinet of coal plug-in boards, free fall out of coal, and in underground when using can convenient tear open outfit, reduce the maintenance support labor strength and improving coal mine production efficiency.

When fully mechanized top-coal caving hydraulic support have to fall into the big coal, the plug-in boards jack piston rod can be cut cause leakage. Plug-in boards jack for the protection of the piston rod, design the piston rod protection device. Introduced the protection device design, expounds its working principle and remove the method. This unit solved flashboard and jack piston rod be scratched problems, and can be inserted board with free expansion in the tail beam the cabinet, when broken into the cabinet of coal plug-in boards, free fall out of coal, and in underground when using can convenient tear open outfit, reduce the maintenance support labor strength and improving coal mine production efficiency

When the roof caving coal hydraulic support to back into L lump coal, the inserting plate piston rod of the jack is easy to scratch the leakage liquid. In order to protect the board plug jack piston rod, the piston rod protector design. Introduces the design of protection device, this paper introduces its principle and removing method. The device solves the flapper jack piston rod from being scratched, and can be freely telescopic plug board in the tail beam box body, when broken coal into the inserting plate box body, coal can be freely falling out, and in the mine can be used to facilitate disassembly, reduction of stent repair labor intensity, improve the efficiency of coal production.


Sorry,but we have became the erlandest stranger to each other. The fault just is both of us don't understand the meaning of love. Maybe we are really improper to stay together. Apart will be the best way.Wish you happy!

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一些读者说这本小说很难懂 翻译成英语 Some readers said the novel wa...
答:hard to understand