
作者&投稿:景亭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
BATA will wave its tail when it see Nancy, but it will bark loudly to strangers. It becomes the doorbell of Nancy's house. It's really greedy. As a small dog, it is unlikely for BATA to eat so much, but it is always thinking of food and act like a spoiled child when there is not enough food. And it often pass water and wastes everywhere.
However, BATA is still a lovely dog and I hope it can grow up happily.

BATA will see NANCY Yao Weiba,But to see a stranger will shouting,It became NANCY home, "rang the doorbell."It is also very Tanchi, it is a very small dog will not eat a lot, it can always eat things, eating things not on the Sajiao. But it is often anywhere in urine。
No matter how kind, BATA is a lovely dog, I hope it's happy with growth


Dear All,

We are on the way to the right direction. For all our dreams, this is everything. And I guarantee that everything will become better and better. Thank you all!

老师,你每天的努力,教学生教太累了,我希望你能永远年轻。在2009年,第一个祝愿希望你新年快乐。“每当我轻轻走过您窗前, 明亮的灯光照耀我心房”,您总是微笑面对我们.我们在上英语课时,您总是想出游戏让我们读英语,让我们提高英语成绩,我真的非常感激你,如果你希望我没完没了的说的话,

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