六年级的英语单词怎么读 六年级单词的英语读法

作者&投稿:铎骆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"六年级"翻译为“Grade Six” 或者 “Sixth Grade”

“Grade Six”,读音为:[greɪd] [sɪks]
“Sixth Grade”读音为:[sɪksθ] [greɪd]


Grade Six.

grade six.

The sixth grade

问题不清楚 ,说清楚点



[ei] : a_e : cake, take , lake, hate, late, plane, face, make, game, gate, grade, grape, place, place, date, plane, plate, same, name, age
ay : day, pay, play, stay, say, may, away, birthday, weekday, way, maybe, playground, today
ey : they
Canadian, paper, rain, rainy, table, train, station, eight, facourite, spain, change, April, lady, radio

[ ? ] apple, appetite, cat, bag, animal, at, athlete, badly, bad, black, can, Canada, cap, carry, catch, practice, dad, thank, thanks, that, Paris, granddad, angry, factory, family, fax glad, grandfather, hand, happy, has, have, hat, jacket, Japan, an language, man, manager, map match, maths, panda, piano, policeman, rabbit, shall, lamp, pineapple, pack, stamp, January, National, back, camera, matter, weatherman

[a:] ar car , far, farm, farmer, park, pardon, hard, garden, star, start, are, art, March, card, party, market
a(s/ss) past, last, glass, class, ask, basketball, classmate, classroom
half, after, afternoon, bathroom, aunt, dance, father, grandma, grandpa, ha, photograph

[?? :] al all, wall, small, ball, walk talk, tall, always
or for, before, morning, forty, floor, door, or, north, sport, store, dormitory, report, Singapore
au autumn, Australian, Australia, Auckland, daughter
our four, course,
oar blackboard, cupboard
aw draw
[i:] e be, he, she, me, metre, we, maybe, evening
ee sheep, see, bee, between, fifteen, feet, free, meet, coffee, geese, green , keep, street, three, tree, week, teeth, feed, shopkeeper, need, degree, weekday
ea sea, season, eat, east, tea, teach, teacher, peach, cheap, mean, meaning, meat, clean, team, leaf, leaves, speak, please, read
keyboard, people, piece, policeman, police, these, ski

[i] i ship, fish, in, inch, beautiful, children, begin , city, different, drink, English, evening, family, fifteen, fifth, fifty, film, five, give, him, his, is, it, its, kilo, kitchen, listen, live, little, medicine, middle, milk, chicken, miss, Madrid, Paris, building, Singapore, morning, music, nothing, office, picture, piano, pig, rabbit, river, sing, singer, sister, sit, six, swim, thin, thing, think, ticket, television, visit, thin, window, with, Italy, India, into, minute, meaning, meeting, history, politics, practice, list, expensive, spring, wind, windy, picnic, film, drink, bring, pity, Berlin
y lady, country, baby, busy, carry, certainly, city, duty, eighty, empty, every, everyone, factory, friendly, happy, hobby, many, early, Monday, only, primary, really, sorry, usually, very, worry, Germany, Italy, geography, badly, angry, parry, January, February, hungry, lucky, dormitory, windy, rainy, snowy, sunny, pity,
e begin, between, beside, eleven, athlete, appetite, excuse, jacket, kitchen, degree, telephone, toilet,

[ ai] i_e nice, nine, appetite, countryside, beside, drive, shine, ice, time, times,
wife, white, write, exercise, rice, ride, divide, pineapple, fine, like, kite, knife, mine
i I , night, ninth, pioneer, primary, child, Chinese, mind, idea, biology, minus, right, sightseeing, find, library, light, Friday, hi, high
y fly, by, bye, buy, July, dry, sky, my
[?u] o_e nose, close, closed, home, homework, coke, those, rose, hope, telephone
o so, no, both, hotel, kilo, oh, old, open, over, photo, photograph, piano, robot, post, soldier, cold, Tokyo, most, zero, hold, total, October, November
oa coat, coach
ow know, row, yellow, throw, tomorrow, Moscow, show, window, blow, snow
[au] ou count, trousers, blouse, house, mouse, mountain, out, round, south, ground, underground , playground, cloud, cloudy
ow now, cow, down, brown, flower
[ju:] u_e cute, excuse, use
u computer, duty, museum, pupil, music, student, Tuesday, usually, you
[u:] oo food, goose, tooth, school, moon, soon, zoo, cool
o do, who, shoes, into
ruler, juice, shoe
[?] o brother, mother, colour, come, cup, cupboard, does, front, love, money, monkey, nothing, son, worry , become, London, month, another, cover, one
u much, mum, must, plump, Russian, sun , sunny, study, Sunday, supper, uncle, under, up, us, plus, brush, hungry, lucky, cut, bus, cup, cupboard, duck, hundred, husband, jump, lunch.
ou cousin, young
[ e ] e desk, bed collect, dress, egg, eleven, empty, every, exercise, French, pet, get, hello, help, hen, leg, let, medicine, next, pen, pencil, pencil-box, red, second, seven, telephone, ten, television, very, welcome, west, yellow, yes, end, question, never, plenty, when, best, present , expensive, second, February, September, November, December, pen-friend, special, restaurant, festival, together, letter, department, temperature, wet,
el help, tell, well, spell, twelve, twelfth,
ea heavy, sweater, breakfast,
ie friend, friendly

[tf] kitchen, match, watch, catch, change ,chicken, chair, child, children, China, Chinese, which, coach, French, inch, lunch, much

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