如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见 请写关于“保护动物”的英语建议

作者&投稿:禤黛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  1、Eat less animals, care for animals.
  2、Fight with people who kill small animals.
  3、To promote the activities of caring for small animals.
  4、You can use a blackboard or hand written form to encourage people to love small animal.
  5、If you see a small animal cruelty national protection can also use legal means to give illegal hunters report.
  6、Can be from a health point of view to inform the people of small animals, too many animal fat meat easily lead to obesity, hypertension and other diseases.


不滥垦、滥伐,留下一片绿地给野生动物们休息。Don't over reclamation, deforestation, leave a piece of green to wild animal's take.
立法保护野生动物,禁止乱杀野生动物,如果有人违反规定,就加以处罚。Legislation to protect the wild animal, the prohibition of indiscriminate killing wild animal, if anyone is in violation of the provisions, will be punished.
As long as human beings to disturb the animal life living environment, this is the biggest animal protection.

1、Eat less animals, care for animals.
2、Fight with people who kill small animals.
3、To promote the activities of caring for small animals.
4、You can use a blackboard or hand written form to encourage people to love small animal.
5、If you see a small animal cruelty national protection can also use legal means to give illegal hunters report

eat less animals


First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger.
Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our environment.
Third, we should raise people's awareness to protect animals and our environment.

1. Allow animals to be taken into care before they begin to suffer
2. Extend the powers available to Scottish Ministers to tackle quickly and eliminate exotic animal disease
3. Extend powers of slaughter in disease outbreaks
4. Give the power to inspect vehicles in any outbreak
5. The government provide criterion for punishment for violators and allow violators to be treated as criminals in serious cases

答:保护动物英语建议短句如下:1、请和动物,做好朋友。Please be good friends with animals.2、保护动物,与自然和谐。Protect animals, harmony with nature.3、保护鸟类,保护生物多样性。Protect birds, protect biopersity.4、爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。The bird is a virtue of mankind.5、不买珍稀木...


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答:我们必须采取一些措施来保证植物不被毁坏,停止杀戮动物。如果我们每个人能够 种植 一棵树、建造一个鸟巢,世界将是非常美好的,这件事情很简单但是很有用的。如何保护濒临灭绝的动物英语作文篇3 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living ...

答:问题二:如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见 不滥垦、滥伐,留下一片绿地给野生动物们休息。Don't over reclamation, deforestation, leave a piece of green to wild animal's take.立法保护野生动物,禁止乱杀野生动物,如果有人违反规定,就加以处罚。Legislation to protect the wild animal, the ...


答:优先考虑大象的福利,例如远距离的非侵入性观察和互动。)By implementing these suggestions, we can help protect elephants and ensure their survival for future generations.(通过实施这些建议,我们可以帮助保护大象,确保它们的生存,为未来的世代留下这些宏伟生物。)

答:We should protect the animals.We shouldn't be cruel to animals.We mustn't kill rare animals.We should protect the environment which they live in.We mustn't hunt animals just for fun.

答:1、保护野生动物,不打鸟,不捉蛇,不捉青蛙。Protect wild animals, do not fight birds, do not catch snakes, do not catch frogs.2、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责。The protection of birds, wild animal protection, everyone's responsibility.3、动物是人类的第二,请大家来保护它们。Ani...

答:大学生如何保护野生动物英语作文3 保护野生动物的方法:1、不参与非法买卖野生动物。2、不滥捕滥杀野生动物。3、不要乱砍伐林木。4、不要穿珍惜动物毛皮做的`服装。5、保护湿地资源和水质。6、不要随意堆放垃圾。7、见到违法者立即向野生动物协会反映。8、不要滥用农药和杀虫剂。野生动物简介:野生...