研究性学习 饮食英语 研究性学习:饮食与健康

作者&投稿:拓废 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

above all,i choose the topic:food because as air is fundamental to living creatures so is eating habit to humans.as is known to all no one can live wihout food,i find it so important so i have no reason to avoid the very element in our daily life.
the second reason is that given the world-wide scarcity of food ,the topic now is more than necessary to discuss on.i mean ,it is much of pratical sense in reality.
last but bot least,food is often connected with the customs and culture in a certain region.for example ,what kind of food people eat indicates the country's food export,and how much percent of the food expense they use depends on the wealth of a family(恩格斯指数)and so on.
if you look into it,you will find more and enjoy more,that's why i contribute myself to the creative project on food.

The British vegetables is generally accepted celebrity big vegetables in the world on the food, its history is long, the craft is fashionable, getting people of this world favor very much. And this is related, British also pays attention to very much on the dining. Usually is four meals for general British family a day: Breakfast, lunch, noon pastry and dinner. The person who has very separately region still wants after 9:00 P.M. to add again one meal.
The English is fastidious the taste lightly, the cooked food request nature good quantity essence, the pattern is changeable, attention nutrition ingredient. They like eating the beef, the mutton, the birds and beasts class, sweet snack, fruit food and so on the egg class. Summer likes eating each kind of water fruit jelly, the ice cream, winter likes eating each kind of hot pudding. Dines when generally first drinks the beer, but also likes drinking hard liquor and so on whisky.
Chinese tea-leaf streams into ever since that time England for 17 centuries, the then British doesn't know and take tea, being swallowed as nice dish the belly to tea-leaf unexpectedly. But after they understand, then knotting with tea to descend the good luck done not understand, a correct the mistakes the habit which drink beverages, such as coffee and beer...etc. to.
Now, real British all have to drink "bedding tea" in the morning, the afternoon drinks the habit of” afternoon tea”. Regard black tea as principle generally also. British’s breakfast usually between 7-9:00, they are necessary to drink a brose, still having foods, such as salty meat, egg, bread and jam...etc. in addition. Lunch usually a little or so in afternoon. There is foods, such as various familiar meat, salad, bread, biscuit, cream cheese and butter...etc. Think afternoon the most people still needs to work, so great majority person not while having meal drink violent wine, dinner generally between 7-8:00 P.M. .The main food is soup, fish, meat, vegetable, pudding, butter, dessert, fruit and various wet goods and coffee. This is one meal which extremely pays attention to, as a result time is also a little longer, as for noon pastry generally and all in afternoon.


Things are changing and most British people eat meals from many different countries for example spagetti or curry. In fact you could even say that the British don't eat much British food. However the most typical thing to eat for dinner is "meat and two veg". This consists of a piece of meat accompanied by two different boiled vegetables. This is covered with "gravy" which is a sauce made with the juice that was obtained when the meat was cooked. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. The British eat a lot of potatoes.


If you go to Britain to study English and you stay with a family you will almost certainly be given a "packed lunch" to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where you can eat but the packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch normally consist of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola. The contents are kept in a plastic container and you take it with you when you go to school or work. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good, it all depends on who makes it.

3meals in Britain


Generally speaking the British breakfast is much bigger than in most other countries. Many people like to have a fried breakfast which can consist of fried bacon and eggs with fried bread and possibly fried tomatoes or black pudding. Of course not everybody wants to eat a lot early in the morning and many people prefer to just eat toast and marmalade with tea or coffee. Cereals are also very popular. The most common is cornflakes. They are made with different grains such as corn, wheat, oats etc. If you go to a Britsh supermarket you will see that there are many types of cereals available. In Scotland many people eat "porridge" or boiled oats. Porridge is very heavy but in the winter it will keep you warm on your way to school.



  1. 课题提出的背景
  在源远流长的历史长河中,中国逐渐形成了博大精深的饮食传统和文化。中国菜不但讲究“色、香、味”俱全,而且“滋、养、补”的特点也为世人推崇。而随着社会的发展,人们对饮食的需求更高了,菜式越来越丰富,吃法也是越来越多样。 而往往很多时候,人们忽略了饮食的健康,只是盲目的去吃饭,也并不知道什么样的饮食才叫健康,才能对身体有好处。而孩子们,也养成了挑食、偏食的习惯,饭菜可口就吃,不可口就不吃。如何健康饮食,怎样的饮食才算健康,这值得我们的思考,因此,我们小组想对此进行更加深刻地了解。
  2. 要进行实践探究的问题
  3. 课题研究的意义
  4. 研究目的
  5. 研究内容
  (一) 什么是健康饮食?
  (二) 怎样健康饮食?
  (三) 为什么要健康饮食?
  6. 准备与实施
  (一) 准备阶段
  (二) 实施过程
  7. 设计计划
  8. 研究方法
  问卷调查,采访,上网查询,阅览图书 实地考察
  9. 发现问题
  10. 结论
  11. 问卷调查分析
  12. 建议
  (2)少吃或不吃油炸食品、罐头类食品、腌制食品、加工的肉类食品(肉干、香肠等)、肥肉和动物内脏类食物、奶油制品 、方便面 、烧烤类食品 、冷冻甜点 包括冰淇淋、雪糕等、果脯、话梅和蜜饯类食物 、汽水可乐、罐头类食品、饼干类食品(不含低温烘烤和全麦饼干)这些全球的垃圾食品。
  13. 餐谱举例
  早餐:馒头片抹麻酱(面粉50克,麻酱15克) 山药二米粥(大米15克,小米10克,鲜山药25克,红枣10克) 煮鸡蛋一个 豆干拌莴笋叶(莴笋叶50克,豆腐干15克) 八宝酱菜10-15克 早加餐:牛奶加糖(牛奶250克,白糖20克) 午餐:米饭 100克 熘肝尖(猪肝50克,水发木耳20克,莴笋25克) 清炒茼蒿(茼蒿100克) 糖拌西红柿(西红柿75克) 鲜蘑丝瓜汤( 丝瓜15克,鲜蘑10克) 下午加餐:水果100克,藕粉50克 晚餐:花卷(面粉100克) 玉米碴粥(玉米碴25克,花生米15克) 虾仁烩豆腐(南豆腐100克,虾仁50克) 焯拌三样(芹菜75克,胡萝卜50克,菜花50克) 桂花大头菜 15克 晚加餐:酸奶(一塑杯) 水果 100克 全日烹调用油20-25克
  14. 健康的饮食
  15. 健康饮食身体棒
  在源远流长的历史长河中,中国逐渐形成了博大精深的饮食传统和文化。中国菜不但讲究“色、香、味”俱全,而且“滋、养、补”的特点也为世人推崇。而随着社会的发展,人们对饮食的需求更高了,菜式越来越丰富,吃法也是越来越多样。 而往往很多时候,人们忽略了饮食的健康,只是盲目的去吃饭,也并不知道什么样的饮食才叫健康,才能对身体有好处。而孩子们,也养成了挑食、偏食的习惯,饭菜可口就吃,不可口就不吃。