“你不会死”英文怎么说 你去死的英文怎么说

作者&投稿:笃贷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
You will not die!

You won't be dead.

you can't die

You will never die.

You don't die

you'll never die


答:Yon wont't die without me.

答:你好,不作你就不会死。1)If you do not do it,you will not die.2)You will not die if you stay put.3)Just don't do anything,then you will not die.以上,希望对你有帮助。

答:don't you drunb or you fucking dead? 你不装逼你他妈的会死吗?

你怎么不去死 英文翻译
答:你好,正确的语法是这样的:Why don't you die? Why don't you go and kill your self? Why not hang youself? 其中第三个用法,在美国是比较戏谑,比较搞笑的说法,不过也很严肃前几个。

答:We are gonna die.You are gonna die.I am gonna die.We all gonna die.But it just not today!

答:“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"好多老外会以为这出自莎士比亚,其实是威廉.康格里孚. 英国作家 "The Mourning Bride" (1697) William Congreve.原文 "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."...

答:这个句子用的是虚拟语气,所以 If there were no you,I would die!

答:你好!Would you please go and die?die [daɪ]地道的翻译就不能直译。百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

答:你去死的英文是:Go to hell.短语:你快去死 You die quickly ; You die fast ; You go to die 你要去死 You're going to die 你会去死吗 Won't you die 你妈去死啦 Go to your mother's dead ; Your mother dies ; Your mother go to die 你能去死吗 Do you die ; You ...

答:呃………will you die if u not pretend to be a bitch(女) /son of the bitch(男) !不对 应该you will die if u not pretend to be a bitch(女) /son of the bitch(男) !