颐和园的中英文对照简介 故宫 颐和园 京东大峡谷 的英文简介,一定要简单,中英文都要

作者&投稿:伯牙吾台时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Summer Palace, the Chinese imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty, formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers from the urban area, covering an area of about 290 hectares, adjacent to Yuanmingyuan. 


It is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, and is based on Hangzhou West Lake. It is a large-scale landscape garden built by the design method of Jiangnan Garden. It is also the most preserved royal palace, known as the “Royal Garden Museum”. It is also a national key tourist attraction.


On March 4, 1961, the Summer Palace was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. It was also listed as the four famous gardens of China in Chengde Mountain Resort, Humble Administrator's Garden and Lingering Garden. It was included in November 1998. "World Heritage List". 


On May 8, 2007, the Summer Palace was officially approved by the National Tourism Administration as a national 5A-level tourist attraction. In 2009, the Summer Palace was selected as the largest existing royal garden in China by the China World Record Association.

2007年5月8日,颐和园经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 2009年,颐和园入选中国世界纪录协会中国现存最大的皇家园林 。










The Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. It is a large landscape garden, but the most complete preservation of  palace imperial garden。


known as the "Royal Garden Museum", is also a national key tourist attractions.


The Summer Palace covers an area of 293 hectares and consists mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. 


There are more than 3000 palace garden buildings in various forms, which roughly divided into three parts: administration, life and tour.


There are more than 100 scenic buildings and more than 3000 buildings of different forms in the park.


 Among them,  Long Corridor, Suzhou Street, Seventeen-Cone Bridge, Harmony Park and Grand Theatre are representative buildings. 







Summer Palace, located in the northwest Beijing Haidian District, 15 km from the Beijing City. Covering an area of about 290 hectares, the existing Summer Palace is China's largest, most complete preservation of the imperial garden, the Summer Palace, the palace was originally Qing Dynasty emperors and Garden


the Summer Palase


The Summer Palace has been listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites 是“颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录”(UNESCO = 联合国教科文组织列)。

The Summer Palace
The Summer Palace or Yiheyuan (Garden of Nurtured Harmony) is a palace in Beijing, China. The Summer Palace is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill (60 meters high) and the Kunming Lake. It covers an expanse of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water. In its compact 70,000 square meters of building space, one finds a variety of palaces, gardens, and other classical-style architectural structures.

The Summer Palace started out life as the Garden of Clear Ripples in 1750 (Reign Year 15 of Emperor Qianlong). Artisans reproduced the garden architecture styles of various palaces in China. Kunming Lake was created by extending an existing body of water to imitate the West Lake in Hangzhou. The palace complex suffered two major attacks--during the Anglo-French allied invasion of 1860 (with the Old Summer Palace also ransacked at the same time), and during the Boxer Rebellion, in an attack by the eight allied powers in 1900. The garden survived and was rebuilt in 1886 and 1902. In 1888, it was given the current name, Yihe Yuan. It served as a summer resort for Empress Dowager Cixi, who diverted 30 million taels of silver, said to be originally designated for the Chinese navy (Beiyang Fleet), into the reconstruction and enlargement of the Summer Palace.

In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace an "outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese landscape garden design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole." It is a popular tourist destination but also serves as a recreational park.

Entering from the northern gate, the visitor first comes across Suzhou Street, designed to replicate the scenery of south-eastern China. At the top of Longevity Hill stands Duobao Glazed Pagoda. From the top of the hill one can see Kunming Lake to the south and southwest. The Marble Boat is at the southwest foot of the hill, and the Long Corridor runs east to west along its southern edge. Most of the other notable buildings (17-Arch Bridge, which has over 500 engraved lions) run along the eastern edge of the lake, directly south of the eastern end of the Long Corridor. Other features of the Summer Palace include the Cloud-Dispelling Hall, the Tower of Buddhist Incense and Jade Belt Bridge, and the Garden of Harmonious Interests.

The Summer Palace is easily accessible from most parts of Beijing. Head north at Suzhou Bridge on the north-western 3rd Ring Road, north at Sihai Bridge on the north-western 4th Ring Road, or south at the northern 5th Ring Road at the Zhongguancun/Beijing Road exit. Public transportation also reaches the Summer Place.

It is in the centre of Beijing, old called the Forbidden City. In the Ming yunglo 18 years (1420), was built in the Ming and qing dynasty palace, incomparable ancient architecture masterpiece, the largest in the world, the most complete woodiness structure of the ancient building group. The palace all the building it "and" NaTing "two parts, all around the walls all around. By TongZiHe all around. The city has four corners watchtower. All around, there is a door the south for the imperial palace is meridian gate, main entrance.

The Summer Palace is the largest existing China, save the most complete imperial garden, China famous four (the other three building for chengde mountain resort, suzhou the humble administrator's garden, suzhou lingering garden) one of. Is located in Beijing's haidian district, is apart from the Beijing city 15 kilometers, covering an area of about two hundred and ninety hectares. Use of kunming lake, for her bases, with longevity hill hangzhou west lake scenery, which derive some design methods of the jiangnan gardens and artistic conception and built a large natural ShanShuiYuan, also is the best preserved complete a royal palace YuYuan, known as the royal garden museum.

Jingdong grand canyon tourist area located at Beijing pinggu district northeast 10 kilometers, by the grand canyon and JingTai mountain of two visits. The depth of the grand canyon, a total area of six li 20 square kilometers. The grand canyon BiLi WanRen deep, narrow risks, such as Taiwan, flat JingTai mountain towering, united ZanYue lianyun: "explore canyon feel mysterious peaceful, up to do." in peak qianshanmohe.


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