
作者&投稿:虞腾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 英语作文 我的优点和缺点

As we all know , every one has many advantages and disadvantages.So do I . I like to play puter games and basketball .I also like to help people when they are in trouble. But I don't like studying.I think study is uninteresting and I am so lazy. I don't like to solve difficult.

But now I know about the importance of the study ,so I will work harder.

2. 帮忙写一篇英语作文,题目是:我的优点和缺点

My Advantages and disadvantages

I am a cheerful, confident and friendly person; rich spirit of teamwork and innovation. Be able to quickly adapt to the environment. I havw a strong sense of responsibility. I work with great enthusia *** and my passion can always infect people around me. I'm a very good partner and people around me have structured evaluation of my work, the pursuit of excellence. As for my shortings I was too impatient to work in the hope for success, to use an old saying in China: More haste, less speed, I have been aware of this and to gradually improve.

3. 我的优点和缺点英语作文加中文翻译

My Strengths and Weaknesses我的优缺点 It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。

我们应该检查自己并学着(认识)我们是谁。 Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. I'm also optimistic, humble and polite. These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, I'm stubborn and a little impatient. I'm sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.首先,我们应该认识自己的优点和缺点。





4. 英语作文优缺点

My Strengths and Weaknesses

It's important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the o basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don't have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better.

5. 急需一篇英语作文,作文题目是《优点与缺点》,速度快点额``把翻


For a long time I did not talk about the strengths and weaknesses, and now I have to talk about my strengths and weaknesses. I guess you the advantage of what is » . He did not know! It is hard to say to my advantage, even I do not know, it seems only to ask my mother! I asked my mother, my mother Xiao Mimi said: "dancing, singing, writing, writing, etc.." I asked the father, his father said: "In life you are a lively and cheerful girl, you are learning A carefully girls, followed again had to force a higher level ah! "In fact, parents of my high expectations!

Finished the merits, say shortings, her mother unthinkingly said: "Mathematics and English in the higher level!" I also heard saying: "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses." Now, I know that their Strengths and weaknesses, I would like to改掉their own shortings, promote their own merits. Refueling!






6. 写朋友优点缺点英语作文

My friend

Hello,everyone.My name is Kiwi. Today, let me untroduce my friends to you.

I have so many friends, because I like make fiends with everybody.

This is Linda.She is o years older than me.She is a good girl.Her Chinese is very good.She's one cm taller than me.

That boy is Jimmy.He is one year younger than me.He is three cm shorter than me.

These o friends are my best friends.They are all kind.We always play together,too.







7. 英语作文我的优缺点

My Strengths and Weaknesses

It's important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves

better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits.

They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the o basic

qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve

myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make

plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don't have

tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better.


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