
作者&投稿:杜泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
"Moment in Peking" and "A Dream of Red Mansions" comparative study of task
"Moment in Peking" in the modeling aspects of settings and characters from "A Dream of Red Mansions," where there are many, Lin believes that "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Jin Ping Mei" and other novels. "Moment in Peking" People in many modern novels in China is relatively rare. Lin Yu Dafu in a letter to the novel set of characters that made this: "to the story of some characters to be characters of the Red Chamber, Magnolia may Xiangyun, may莫愁Po Chai, Hong-Yu Lin may,桂姐may凤姐of corruption without凤姐hot, people like Di薛蟠, coral like Li Wan, Po-fun may宝琴, Ice core may Yuanyang, Ziwei may紫鹃, subtle fragrance may香菱, seems silly喜儿Sister, aunt may赵姨娘Lee, is much better than non-Arab Baoyu.曼娘Sun for outstanding character, unparalleled. "
In terms of creativity, "A Dream of Red Mansions" Lin left the novel memory and the appearance of a direct impact on the image of his aesthetic psychology of women, thereby affecting the "Moment in Peking" in the two main female image of Mulan and莫愁shape. The "Moment in Peking," the image of the main female莫愁Yao Yao Mulan and creative origins, Lin skillfully draw on the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the history of Xiangyun, Yao Mulan shaping a hearty optimism,豁达大度and elegant sentimental, home of the factoring industry those who can afford the ideal of women, their ideal image of the perfect woman gives Mulan. Described by the author of Yao莫愁the characters from "A Dream of Red Mansions" of Xue received inspiration, but also absorbed the most valuable creative nutrition, in his works Xue abandoned character Hypocrisy side, the actual shape of the human莫愁, generous decent, mature and stable, smooth bright character. These become a "Moment in Peking"莫愁in the image of Mulan and the original source of creation. "Moment in Peking" in the history of the Magnolia inherited character Xiangyun hearty optimism,豁达大度side. Faced with the various ups and downs of life, Mulan has always been able to maintain such a state of mind, open mind free and easy and natural. Magnolia endogenous active, writing articles from Agile creativeness, in between the day-to-day conversation, witty sense of humor, she added, people are on their own sloppy. Lin Yutang once said: "temperament of the Chinese people found that the easiest solution is to ask him in between Lin and Bao-chai which is more like, if you like Lin, he is an idealist; if you like Bao-chai, he is a realists. "
From the "Moment in Peking" dialogue will be able to know that the Magnolia is the appreciation of Lin, and just like Po Chai莫愁. "A Dream of Red Mansions" in Xue, Ayutthaya deep喜怒not shaped in color, quality Congying, both on the sweet-talk and the next will appease and win the next one commended.莫愁in appearance and personality, both on and "A Dream of Red Mansions" in the Po Chai is quite similar to the actual human莫愁, robust character.莫愁in everyday life has always been generous in the proper way, only occasionally will express their own insight, like what if the heart of the matter can not be inhibited, the mouth edge but also reveal more than a trace of a smile, these details aspects like Bao-chai. Just as Lin said, Mulan is "invisible to the possession of luxury, and to simplicity of nature-based"莫愁are willing "to luxury for the table, as in a simple natural."



”马力”这个单词在200年前第一次用到.James Watt 第一次使得世界广泛使用蒸汽机.他当时根本就不可能准确地告诉人们它的功率有多强大,因为当时根本就没有1个单位来测定功率.
Watt 决定查明1匹强壮的马在1分钟内能做多少功.于是他就把他所做的这样测定的1个单位叫做”马力”.利用这个单位他就能够测定蒸汽机能做多少功了.他发现1匹马1分钟内能把3300磅的东西举起10英尺高,而他的引擎(蒸汽机)能在1分钟内把3300磅的东西举起100英尺高.



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