
作者&投稿:充韩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1、Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. my grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart. 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

2、No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. one day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.

没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。 教育之于灵魂,犹如雕刻之于大理石。

3、Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher’s Day!


4、My heart felt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.


5、dear Miss Yao, as the gratuation is driving near,I feel more grateful for you.In the past three year,you teach me a lot.Your encouragement really help me make progress.


6、Thanks for being such a great teacher. Happy Teacher’s Day!


7、It’s your day, Teacher. Have a great day!


8、You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.


9、We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.


10、One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.


11、 Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.


12、What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.

13、You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.


14、It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.


15、 This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you



答:5、The whole secret of the teacher s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. 教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。6、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher s Day! 我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节...


答:)7. We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today.猜你喜欢:1. 有关于感恩老师的英语句子 2. 赞美老师的话用英语怎么说 3. 学生给老师的英文感恩寄语 4. 感谢英语老师的话 5. 感谢英语老师的话 ...

元宵节对英语老师的祝福语英文 (集锦40句)
答:元宵节贺卡简短英文祝福语给老师 (合集40句) 元宵节贺卡简短英文祝福语给老师(篇一) 1.I wish the sweet dumplings are always so sweet, and my heart is always lingering for you.祝愿的汤圆永远那么甜蜜,牵挂的心始终为你流连。 2.Japanese yen, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy re...

答:have done.我深深地感激您所做的一切。5、It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。6、I may not remember what my teacher said but I'll never forget my teacher's voice.也许我不曾记住老师说的话,但我永远忘不掉老师的声音。

答:翻译:The teacher, you have worked hard! You let me know “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” !桃李满天下,恩情似海深,祝老师身体健康!翻译:Have, love as deep as the sea, I wish you healthy and happy!高山不移,碧水常流,我师恩泽,在心永留!翻译:Don't move ...

答:Education is not the filling of a pail,but the lighting of a fire.教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团生命的火焰。一日为师,终生为父,教师是一个神圣的职业,我们应该懂得感谢他们的辛勤付出。关于感谢老师的英文句子。1、You are like a third parent,We all love you and respect you.您...

答:老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teachers Day!我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快!You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.您就象...

答:we all like having you as our teacher. you have our respect and gratefulness.我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。we are more thankful than we can express.对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。you have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. thank you for all that ...

答:上面的中文我翻译了下 译为 If I were a poet, I will be wholehearted enthusiasm wrote poems, praising the broad and far-reaching the sea. And it brought to you �0�3 �0�3 My vision of broad, deep knowledge of teachers.Chun-yu, with the...