
作者&投稿:别哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,And thus to determine your status in society and life

2,我建议,就写 When we were going to apply for the job.

3,这个examine 和前面的 ask应该一样的类型,所以说,我建议不用+ed

4,Students want to enhance learning efficiency,practitioners need to improve the high working efficiency,and sleep have to increase the sleeping efficiency 我建议你直接用标点连起来就可以啦。最后用AND

5,我建议是 We can only adapt to the requirements of the times(adapt to... 是适应于~)

6,(we) only can use the power with together,and have good cooperation, and than it can make carrer much more bigger and stronger.

7,我建议这句句子用BECAUSE 提前,以强调,那个团队合作重要性!Because of the girls work in cooperation. China's women's volleyball team win the five consecutive Olympic Games in the word.

8,When A child learn how to walk in first step, So he has a sense of achievement. Because of the child's sense of accomplishment, it encourage people to go under the second step, third step and so on. "

9,恩可以,我还用了 sense of accomplishment

10,我建议第一个主语用 社会。第二个用人们If society without people with professional skill , people how to develop business and how to progress in social.

11,建议用一个从句会好一些。people who grasp the wealth of knowledgeon,it means very importance of entrepreneurs

12,kicked out 是抵抗的意思。我建议就用淘汰好了。Be eliminated

13,我建议你这样写。People was who only have Lucky and courage can make a fortune have already passed

14,没有一个人不自信, 那你可以写每个人都很自信嘛。
Every one was confident .....

15,It can be said that a good character make him to be successful. However,he failed in old age because of he changing his personality.

16,Diversification 多元化,比如商务多元化 就是business diversification

17,Life Needs versatile, so it can be better adapt to the social

18,Lost in a lots of time.

1) "and thus to determine your status in society and life," how to write? (Written in English).

2) "When we recruited to work" so can write: When we are applying for an offer of employment

3) the interviewer will ask questions about our major and examined how well we are at it
Examined here is the addition of ed, in fact, not very good, but added that right?

4) "Students learn to improve efficiency; practitioners to the efficiency of high embankment; sleep to improve sleep efficiency" is written, there will be two and, how to write a word written in it?

5) we also can meet the needs of the age, "we can only adapt to the requirements of the times" how to write better?

6) "Only the use of force, good cooperation, only powerful strength can cause bigger, stronger." How to write?

7) "China's women's volleyball team, girls work in cooperation with the world's only win five consecutive Olympic Games." How to write?

8) "just a child learn to take the first step, this step because he has a sense of achievement, to encourage a sense of accomplishment in that he learned how to take the second step, third step and so on." How to write? A child is just learnt the first step to go in this sentence grammatical errors you?

9) a sense of achievement can be said: sense of achievement you?

10) "If it were not for people, how to develop business, how to progress the community." How to write?
So write on it? how will the development of business and improvement of society?

11) "have a wealth of knowledge on the importance of entrepreneurs have a" how to write?

12) "is out" can be written: will be kicked out what?

13) "luck and courage alone can make a fortune has passed," how to write?
Wrote one, it seems wrong to people who lived in the age of relying on luck and courage had passed ... that is not short of people had passed?

14) There was no one wasn't confident of what? I wanted to write "No one person is not confident" there are two was ...

15) "It can be said that a good character so that he be successful, again, he changes personality in old age so that he failed to" how to write?

16) how that "diversified" multi-polarization can you?

17) "needs versatile, so that better adapt to the society" how to write?

18) This is how to write the famous? : Diligent + working hard = necessity factor to be success. (Not punctuation marks, such as +...)

19) "Lost in a time of" how to write?

20) may be the coward and hypocritical people. And may be a coward and hypocritical person. There are different?

21) "Even if you have higher than others, education, employers prefer experienced than you, although his low academic qualifications than you." How to write?

22) "Now the survival of the fittest society is a society will be a ...... by a wealth of knowledge and wisdom is the key to economic era." How to write?

1And come to decide you from this in social position and life

2,我建议,就写 When we were going to apply for the job.

3,这个examine 和前面的 ask应该一样的类型,所以说,我建议不用+ed

4,Students want to enhance learning efficiency,practitioners need to improve the high working efficiency,and sleep have to increase the sleeping efficiency 我建议你直接用标点连起来就可以啦。最后用AND

5,我建议是 We can only adapt to the requirements of the times(adapt to... 是适应于~)

6,(we) only can use the power with together,and have good cooperation, and than it can make carrer much more bigger and stronger.

7,我建议这句句子用BECAUSE 提前,以强调,那个团队合作重要性!Because of the girls work in cooperation. China's women's volleyball team win the five consecutive Olympic Games in the word.

8,When A child learn how to walk in first step, So he has a sense of achievement. Because of the child's sense of accomplishment, it encourage people to go under the second step, third step and so on. "

9,恩可以,我还用了 sense of accomplishment

10,我建议第一个主语用 社会。第二个用人们If society without people with professional skill , people how to develop business and how to progress in social.

11,建议用一个从句会好一些。people who grasp the wealth of knowledgeon,it means very importance of entrepreneurs

12,kicked out 是抵抗的意思。我建议就用淘汰好了。Be eliminated

13,我建议你这样写。People was who only have Lucky and courage can make a fortune have already passed

14,没有一个人不自信, 那你可以写每个人都很自信嘛。
Every one was confident .....

15,It can be said that a good character make him to be successful. However,he failed in old age because of he changing his personality.

16,Diversification 多元化,比如商务多元化 就是business diversification

17,Life Needs versatile, so it can be better adapt to the social

18,Lost in a lots of time.

I`love you. _我爱你

向朋友介绍家庭照片的英语作文 九句话~

I have a hanppy family .Look at this photograph of my family ,it was taken this summer hoilday .As you can see ,my family has three members.The tallest was one is my father ,the youngest sitting one the lap of the woman was me ,Guess,this woman is my mother .I like my family because each family members helps me a lot .I really love them very much .thank you .

I have a best friend called Tom. He is tall with big nose. He likes playing basketball and table tennis. He is good at swimming,too. He is kind and friendly. He is always ready to help others. So he can always get on well with us. He is interested in playing chess. When he is free, we often play basketball or chess. He is the most knowledgeble people I have ever met.

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