写给十年后的地球英语作文50字 英语作文十年后的旅程50字

作者&投稿:潜岭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
After ten years of the world, believe that technology has been well developed, such asthe emergence of air purification machine, artificial heart, the world water in ten years,due to rapid population growth, the earth mother really does not have the ability to"nurture" so many "children". How to do? Then the earth government decided we part of human moved to the moon. This not only has the nationality and the "star Ji". Butyou don't have to worry about back and forth very troublesome, because at that timewe have invented the "rocket car", it has the speed of a rocket, the car's shape, in the universe there are special "road" let us pass, there is also a professional "cosmicrobot of traffic police". You see, Is it right? Very convenient ah! But there are alsoshortcomings, is the people living on the moon, only in the Mid Autumn Festival"enjoying the earth"! In addition, our agricultural production technology has greatly improved the. We will gene and structures of various kinds of fruit are analyzed and compared, and then successfully create a named "to cultivate a variety of fruit plants",referred to as "more fruit material". For example, you use the apple, mango, bananagene, the plant that cultivated only node mango, apple, banana, and the productionspeed is very fast, can be 5 minutes, its production is also very big. See here, you must be very surprised, 5 minutes is not mature, and what the production ofhormones? You may rest assured that our "duoguo objects" absolute pure natural.Ah! I forgot to tell you, because we are the "Duo Guo" by the broad masses of thesupport and welcome, here we don't sell fruit, but fruit gene! And vegetables and meatalso like them, selling vegetables and meat gene gene, there is also a seafood gene,is still being studied, not to believe that very soon out! There is one of the mostpowerful - our planet in a head to the other end of the earth to get through three tunnels, the first is to go, second, is a middle road, if the car accident of some kind,there can be a little more stop. The third is the back tunnel. The middle of the tunnelis much larger than the other two, also used for emergency passage. Here you must be surprised to see, not have the hot magma inside the earth? How do we get throughthe three tunnel? That's because we adopted the new technology -- the "nano fiberwith high temperature resistance". We extracted magma information, and then the improved success, easily get through three tunnels. Ten years after the world is colorful, as long as we study hard, more things will certainly be invented!


After ten years of the world, believe that technology has been well developed, such asthe emergence of air purification machine, artificial heart, the world water in ten years,due to rapid population growth, the earth mother really does not have the ability to"nurture" so many "children". How to do? Then the earth government decided we part of human moved to the moon. This not only has the nationality and the "star Ji". Butyou don't have to worry about back and forth very troublesome, because at that timewe have invented the "rocket car", it has the speed of a rocket, the car's shape, in the universe there are special "road" let us pass, there is also a professional "cosmicrobot of traffic police". You see, Is it right? Very convenient ah! But there are alsoshortcomings, is the people living on the moon, only in the Mid Autumn Festival"enjoying the earth"! In addition, our agricultural production technology has greatly improved the. We will gene and structures of various kinds of fruit are analyzed and compared, and then successfully create a named "to cultivate a variety of fruit plants",referred to as "more fruit material". For example, you use the apple, mango, bananagene, the plant that cultivated only node mango, apple, banana, and the productionspeed is very fast, can be 5 minutes, its production is also very big. See here, you must be very surprised, 5 minutes is not mature, and what the production ofhormones? You may rest assured that our "duoguo objects" absolute pure natural.Ah! I forgot to tell you, because we are the "Duo Guo" by the broad masses of thesupport and welcome, here we don't sell fruit, but fruit gene! And vegetables and meatalso like them, selling vegetables and meat gene gene, there is also a seafood gene,is still being studied, not to believe that very soon out! There is one of the mostpowerful - our planet in a head to the other end of the earth to get through three tunnels, the first is to go, second, is a middle road, if the car accident of some kind,there can be a little more stop. The third is the back tunnel. The middle of the tunnelis much larger than the other two, also used for emergency passage. Here you must be surprised to see, not have the hot magma inside the earth? How do we get throughthe three tunnel? That's because we adopted the new technology -- the "nano fiberwith high temperature resistance". We extracted magma information, and then the improved success, easily get through three tunnels. Ten years after the world is colorful, as long as we study hard, more things will certainly be invented!

突然从我房间里走出了一个机器人保姆,我害怕地说:“你是谁?”机器人说:“我是你家的保姆,十年前你吃了一颗药丸就睡下了,一直睡到了现在。”我这才镇定下来,可还是有些害怕,感到有些奇怪。接着机器人又说:“走,我带你到街上去逛一逛!”我愉快地答应了。我们来到了大街上,大街上到处是一个个的机器人。有的在植树;有的在打扫街道;有的在指挥交通……。当我们来到了一个十字路口时,路中间有个机器人正在指挥着交通。我问我家的保姆机器人:“它靠什么指挥呀,有没有眼睛?”机器人保姆回答道:“这是‘感触’机器人。如果你没有走人行横道,它就会发出警示声,请你走人行横道。而且它立体感很强,不会让交通事故发生的呢!”一路上我经历许许多多奇怪的事。这时天已经黑了,我对机器人保姆说:“我们回家吧”。它手一挥马上就来了一辆出租车。奇怪的是车子里没有人在驾驶,连个机器人都没有。我纳闷地问机器人保姆:“这车怎么没人开呀?”它说:“这是‘电子眼’出租车,只要你说出你要去哪里,出租车就会立刻出发,到你想要到的地方。而且‘电子眼’出租车是绿色环保型的,不用加油的呢!”我心想现在的科技可真是发达啊!不一会儿我们就到家了。这是已经是晚上九点钟了,我洗了个淋浴就上床睡觉了。突然在我耳边响起了抒情的催眠曲,不一会我就睡着了。“叮铃铃——”一阵闹钟铃声有把我惊醒了,这时妈妈正在床边对着我大叫道:太阳晒屁股了,还不起床?我突然明白这只是一个梦啊!我心想:“如果我们的生活真如我梦里一样就好了,可我相信我的梦一定会成真的!我是一个研究者,为了祖国能够沙漠变绿洲,为了我们美好的家园。同事都说我心中只有沙漠,忙得连自己叫什么名字都忘记了。每天我一如既往的早早起床,匆匆地穿上工作服就进入了实验室。在实验室里,跟同事一起动手,一起撒汗水……"组长,你看,这个实验表明,你研制出的植物种子对于沙漠的环境都非常适应,组长,你的付出有回报了。"工作员小陈兴奋地举起试管高兴地对我说。此刻,整个工作室里像煮开的水一样沸腾开来,大家都为取得再一次的进步而高兴。我哭了,我高兴地哭了。高兴之余,匆匆地填饱肚子后,我们开始对沙漠进行考察。烈日当空,这正是正午时分。阳光炙烤着大地,照得我们的皮?quot;嗞嗞"作响。我们带上了所需的器材,步行来到了这块被称为"沙漠之顽"的地带。这一片沙漠的地形,水源,环境都很特殊,我们试过了许多种办法都行不通。而且年与年之间的变化差距也很大。"同志们,咱们再一次地观察,看新研制出的植物种子是否合乎条件,开始吧!"我鼓励他们。同志们忙开了。我一会测风向,一会取土试验,这些工作都很重要,我也专门带了一本笔记来记下:风向,土质。有发现!我几乎每一个细胞都兴奋起来,经过我耐心而细心地一次次验土之后,发现了土质合乎了条件,我记下来了,而后又进行进一步调查……共页,当前第页1 23

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