
作者&投稿:无维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  一. Listening Part ( 10分 )

  I get up at 6:30 every morning. I ______a piece of bread, two eggs and _______milk for breakfast. I ____ to school by bike. I like to _______ English. After class I ______ a football or_______. I ______ the bike to go home. I do my homework, ______books and have dinner. After dinner, I ______ with my dog. I _______ in the bed at 21:00.

  二. Read and classify ( 20分 )

  ( bus black sock mango purple grape shirt pineapple T-shirt coconut plane bread sausage pear jacket ship green train sandwich white )

  1: transportation : ________________________________

  2: fruit : _______________________________

  3: cothes : _________________________________

  4: food : ______________________________

  5: colour : _________________________________

  三. Read and choose ( 10分 )

  1. What's your name?

  A. I'm Betty B. I'm ten C. I'm OK

  2. what's this?

  A. It's blue B. It's four C. It's a radio

  3. What colour do you like?

  A. I like apples B. I like pink C.I like cats

  4. How many ducks are there?

  A. There are five ducks B. There are some ducks

  C. There are any ducks

  5. Have you got any fish?

  A. Yes, she's got some fish B. No, I haven't

  C. No, I have

  四. Read and match ( 10分 )

  1. How do you go to Beijin

  2. Where do you want to go?

  3. Who wants to be a helicopter?

  4. Where are you going?

  5. Do you come here by ship or by train?

  五. Fill in the blanks with the given words. ( 10分 )

  1. This ________a pear. Those______coconuts

  2. I _______ a girl. He ______a boy.

  3. This isn't _____umbrella, it's yours.

  4. It's her schoolbag. It's ______.

  5. He _____ _____ a kite. I _____ _____a football.

  六. Read and guess ( 10分 )

  1. I'm big and pink. I have many black childen inside me What am I?

  I'm a _______________

  2. I have a long body. I've got a small head. I've got no feet, no arms and no hands. What am I?

  I'm a _________________

  3. I'm big and gray. I've got a long nose and big feet. I like to take a bath. My favourite fruit is bananas. What am I?

  I'm a _________________________

  4. I'm white . My eyes are red. I've got two long ears, but my four legs are short. I like to eat carrots. What am I?

  I'm a _________________________


  1. friend, your, who’s, best

  2. they, kicking, a ball, are

  3. what, Li Tong, is, doing

  4. do, you, what colour, like

  5. can, she, fly, kite, a


  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  ( )1. What’s your name? A. Yes, I can.

  ( )2. What can you see? B. It’s green.

  ( )3. Can you swim? C. My name is Tom.

  ( )4. Do they like bananas? D. He is 13.

  ( )5. How old is Peter? E. Yes, they do.

  ( )6. Which colour do you like best? F. May is playing tennis.

  ( )7. Who is playing tennis? G. The girls are dancing.

  ( )8. What colour is the tree? H. I often watch TV.

  ( )9. What are the girls doing? I. I like purple best.

  ( )10. What do you often do on Children’s Day? J. I can see a bird.



  This is a picture of Jim’s bedroom. It is not a nice room but it’s big. A football is under his chair. His desk is behind the door and it’s brown. We can see some books on the desk. His math books are in his school bag. The bag is on the wall.

  ( ) 1. Where is his football? It’ .

  A. under the chair B. on the chair C. behind the door

  ( ) 2. Whose bedroom is this? It’s .

  A. Jim’s B. Tom’s C. Tim’s

  ( ) 3. What colour is his desk? It’s .

  A. white B. yellow C. brown

  ( ) 4. Where are the math books? They’re .

  A. under the picture B. in the classroom C. in the school bag

  ( ) 5. Which one is TRUE(正确的)? .

  A. Jim’s bedroom is small.

  B. Jim’s bedroom is big.

  C. Jim’s bedroom is nice.


  Hello! I’m Mary. I’m eleven years old. My last name is Grace. I’m an English (英国) student. I have a Chinese (中国) teacher. Her name is Jiang Hong. Her telephone is 218-9176. My phone number is 766-3725. I like yellow, but I don’t like blue.

  ( ) 1. How old is Mary?

  A. 11 B. 12 C. 13

  ( ) 2. Mary doesn’t like_______.

  A. blue B. yellow C. white

  ( ) 3. What’s Mary’s last name?

  A. Mary B. Grace C. I don’t know

  ( ) 4. What’s the telephone number of Mary’s teacher?

  A. 281-3725 B. 766-9176 C. 281-9176

  ( ) 5. Is Mary a Chinese student?

  A. No, she isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, it is.


  Look, this is my best friend.




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