《天使之争》的主题曲和片尾曲是什么?求大神帮助 泰国电视剧《天使之争》的所有歌曲

作者&投稿:邗赖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
片尾曲叫做(proong nee)明天,主题曲叫女人的弱点 是Tamara walker 唱的,歌名就叫天使之眼 Artist: Tamara Walker Lyrics Song: Angel Eyes Lyrics Angel eyes..see the glory. Angel eyes..know the story. They see the hearts that break. They see the love you make. The story never ends. Every heart thats been broken by just a word thats been spoken. Heaven keeps the score... there's always something more, if only you believe. Every heart wants redemption and deep inside there's a connection thats waiting for the touch it doesn't take too much to set your spirit free. Angel eyes see the morrow. Angel eyes won't let sorrow live inside your heart. You've got a brand new start if only you believe. Every heart wants redemption and deep inside there's a connection that's waiting for the touch. It doesn't take too much to set your spirit free. Angel eyes want to love you and angels fly high above you. The promise never ends. The rainbow never bends, if only you believe. The promise never ends. The rainbow never bends, if only you believe.

主题曲:Poo Ying Aun Ae - nook nik The Star 片尾曲是 (proong nee)明天 (Maleewan Jimena)唱的




谁知道天使之争插曲,就是每集到高潮就放的背景音乐哪里有下载_百度知 ...
答:天使之争歌曲 主题曲 歌名:ผู้หญิงอ่อนแอ(Poo Ying Aun Ae)软弱的女人 歌手:นุกนิก เดอะสตา&#...

答:1.主题曲叫【女人的弱点】,http://www.5t5t.cn/Play/353546.Html 这里面还有其他几首歌,一定有你想要的 2片尾曲叫【明天】http://www.ijigg.com/songs/V2B7AEG0PB0 3.安徽卫视宣传片是用的歌曲是【即使知道要见面】,这首歌网上很红超爆,4.我还喜欢里面的一首插曲叫【Chuay Phuud ...



答:片头曲 ——软弱的女孩(建议你查找的时候打成天使之争片头曲 因为翻译各有不同)片尾曲 ——明天 预告片曲 ——即使知道要见面 插曲——《 请你说出来 Chuay Phuud Noy 》下载地址在这里:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/5464152.html 登陆后点击“立即下载”就能下载到你的电脑里了 ...

答:是Tamara walker 唱的,歌名就叫天使之眼,我找到了歌词,但找不到下载的地方 Artist: Tamara Walker Lyrics Song: Angel Eyes Lyrics Angel eyes..see the glory.Angel eyes..know the story.They see the hearts that break.They see the love you make.The story never ends.Every heart ...


答:02.片尾曲 不爱我也别伤害我 - Noon Woranuch 03.插曲 Too Much So Much Very Much - Bird Thongchai 04.插曲 喜欢就追 - Ritz the star 6 05.插曲 哪会怕 - Bie the star 3 06.插曲 溢出水杯的爱 - Endorphine 07.插曲 只是朋友 - Anna 08.插曲 你的命定之人 - Zata (Black Beauty...

答:是Tamara walker 唱的,叫天使之眼

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