英语翻译强人来! 帮忙翻译稿子

作者&投稿:利旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The theme (主题) of his lyrics (lyrics 特指歌词) may be very mundane (世俗的)[或者用cliché(陈腐的题材)], such as love and life, but there is always something unusual pertaining to his optimism and his perspective(观点).
Only when you are immersed (完全投入,沉浸在)in their singing, you will be touched because it's like that you can find every sentiment perfectly illuminated in the songs.
他的词有时让你莫名其妙的感动,真的要你自己会发觉这种令人激动的感受。[==话说这句话中文就不太通, 所以我改了改,英文译成了:只有当你完全沉浸在他们的歌唱里(因为你在下面谈得是他们的歌,所以我觉得这里你不仅仅在说是歌词让人感动,更是当歌词被唱出的时候令人感动。), 你才会被感动,因为好象每一种感情都可以在他们的歌中找到完美诠释(这里我用了illuminated,这个词不仅有”诠释”的意思,还有照亮了的含义,用来说明他们把感情进一步升华了。]

Why do I like May Day?

Because I believe it is May Day that makes me a girl/ boy who is brave and spirited to pursue (追随)a dream. 翻译是要能接近原文就接近原文,不过如果逐字翻译会让English变成Chin-glish, 所以我译成了:因为我相信,是五月天让我成为了一个敢于一鼓作气追寻梦想的女/男孩。这里面包含了你喜欢现在的你的意思。(因为你的风格比较偏唯美,所以我觉得这里用相信更好一些^_^)

The theme of his lyrics may be very mundane/cliché, such as love and life, but there is always something unusual pertaining to his optimism and his perspective.

Only when you are immersed in their singing, you will be touched; because it's like that you can find every sentiment perfectly illuminated in their songs.

Why do I like May Day?

Because I believe it is May Day that makes me a girl/ boy who is brave and spirited to pursue a dream.

(例如"我为什么喜欢...一鼓作气的自己。"应该在"他的词...完美诠释" 前面,让文章流动得更自然一些) , 再修饰一下语法(尤其是混乱的主语要修改),补充一些内容(像五月天怎么就把你弄勇敢了呢?),你的稿子会更完美。

What his lyrics have expressed may be very ordinary, like love and life, but you can always distinguish the difference; his optimism and his attitude towards things around him. Sometimes, you will be touched by his lyrics without rhyme or reason, it really wants you to discover for yourself this exciting feeling. I seem to be able to find in their songs, a perfect interpretation for my every mood.
Why do I like Mayday?
I think the reason is that I have become courageous because of Mayday, and I like it; and I like myself pressing on without letup to fulfill my dream.

Writing of his words may be vulgar things, such as love, life, but you can always hear one of the not the same, his optimism, his attitude toward things. His words sometimes inexplicable you touched yourself really want to will find this an exciting experience.
As if their own feelings of every kind,
Can be in their interpretation of the song to find the perfect
Why do I enjoy it Mayday
I think it is because I enjoy because of their brave and Mayday
In order to dream of their own big bang.

He wrote the words may be very vulgar things, such as love, life, but you can always listen to a different, his optimism, his attitude toward it. His words sometimes make you moved and really puzzling of your own will find this exciting experience. Like every one kind of mood, In their songs can be found in the perfect annotation Why I love mayday I think it's because I like because of mayday and brave In order to dream of going.

His word writed is possibly the very vulgar thing, for instance love, life, but you can always listen is dissimilar, his optimism, he to matter manner. Sometimes his word lets the move which you are bewildered, really will want you to detect this kind of thrilling feeling. each mood, why could find probably in theirs song annotates I to like in May day perfectly I thinking that was because I liked because of had in May day, but brave to vainly hope for in one vigorous effort.

hey, here is another master of online translation !


The earliest theory of the crime scene reconstruction in the United States have, since the 20th century, the theory of the 80's were introduced in our country, and began practice in the detection.Although the theory of our practice have an important impact on the investigation, in the fight against the increasingly serious criminal offense to play an active role, but because of the lack of crime scene reconstruction system, in-depth research, to a certain extent hindered its positive role in the fight against crime. Based on this, the author compared Chinese and foreign scholars from the crime scene on the concept of cognitive reconstruction, the initial crime scene reconstruction of the theoretical basis and the value of the material basis for analysis, the reconstruction of the crime scene summed up the general and specific methods and steps it is the problems faced by our country and to overcome the limitations of his methods to improve.Of these, the reconstruction of the crime scene on the specific methods of more in-depth study and at the crime scene reconstruction based on the general approach, combined with the main criminal activities of the actual characteristics of the main order of preparation of acts of crime, the main act of the crime scene Center at the scene after the crime to avoid the fight against acts of reconstruction of specific criminal acts of the main characteristics of the crime scene the focus of reconstruction methods, in-depth research.

迪斯尼乐园建成多年之后, Walt迪士尼世界完成之后, 有人走到Walt 迪斯尼工作室的总管Mike Vance面前 说"Walt Disney 未能活着看到这些, 这难道不是太糟糕了吗?"没有停顿, 他回答道"但确实他曾今看见过它, 那就是为什么它在这儿"
如果说有任何外人早早地影响了我的人生的话, 那么这个人是 Walt Disney.可能因为当我五岁时, 我最喜欢的叔叔带我到了一个奇迹般的新地方叫做Disney乐园. 可能因为我成长在南加州, 每年都会参观一到两次,见证一个人的想象变成现实并成长.又或者因为我得知"当你对着一位明星许愿, 你是什么人,这并没有区别". 成长在迪斯尼美好的世界里, 我学会了如何去梦想.
但是当我长大, 我意识到不仅仅只有梦想和许愿使梦想成为现实. 还有践行.像一首Dusty Sprinfield的歌所唱的那样"许愿并憧憬, 思考并祈祷, 筹划并梦想, 他的魅力闪耀在每个夜晚, 却并不能把你送到他的怀抱里"
在我的经历中, 许愿和憧憬是实现梦想的糟糕方法, 但这却是许多人的工作方式, 并常常惊诧于最后的收获. 他们愿望能够挣更多的钱. 他们憧憬能够晋升或者得到更有趣的工作. 他们愿望有人能够注意到他们如此努力地工作.他们希望工作环境优势改善, 上司能够有所觉悟,问题会自动消失或者有别的人解决它.
他们在工作中成功的机会. 就如同凭借拉斯维加斯的投币口或者得到一张中奖彩票而成为百万富翁一样. 当这无法实现时我们中的许多人确实就像鸵鸟一样把头埋在沙子里视而不见, 却想知道为什么我们永远无法落实我们的梦想. 奥林匹克运动从来不是靠许愿和憧憬.伟大的音乐家,演员,厨师,建筑师,教师,律师,家政或者商业人士也从来不是.我也知道我永远无法仅仅靠愿望就能出版我的第一本书.
梦想能够实现, 但这里有个秘密.它们是通过执着,决心,承诺,激情,实践,专注以及辛勤工作所组成的魔法实现的. 它们从某一时刻踏出第一步, 再经历数年得到完全的体现, 而不是数个星期. 当许愿和憧憬把你变成一个幻想者的时候, 行动才能把你的梦想实现. 去实现他们吧.