如何实现WinCE系统中USB设备自动检测 如何实现WinCE系统中USB设备自动检测

作者&投稿:鞠溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  如果能够实现在启动系统后,切换USB HOST的电源,然后再上电,应该就能够识别USB设备了,另外也可以通过上下拉USB的数据线实现,但是由于硬件电路已经接死了,故无法通过硬件的机制实现。
  The file describes the cause and the fix of Windows CE 5.0's USB device
  detection problem during power-up.

  1. USB Device Detection Problem during Powering-Up
  - Connect USB devices to EDB93xx's USB ports when the board is
  - Power on EDB93xx.
  - Wait until CE 5.0 is fully loaded.
  - One or several USB devices are not detected by CE 5.0.

  2. The Cause
  In USB's Open Host Controller Interface (OHCI) Specification, in
  Register HcRhDescriptorA (EP93xx address 0x80020048), Bits 24-31
  are PowerOnToPowerGoodTime. This POTPGT byte specifies the duration
  Host Controller Driver has to wait before accessing a powered-on port
  of the Root Hub. It is implementation-specific. The unit of time
  is 2 msec. The duration is calculated as POTPGT x 2msec.

  EP93xx's default value of Register HcRhDescriptorA is 0x02001203.
  The value of the POTPGT byte is 0x02. 2*2msec=4msec. It needs 4 msec
  delay after the Host Controller has supplied power to the Root Hub.
  The start-up sequence for EDB93xx's USB host controller should be

  1. Host Controller supplies power to the Root Hub.
  2. Delay 4 msec.
  3. Set Host Controller to Operational state. Access USB ports. Start
  to send SOF tokens...etc.

  CE 5.0's USB driver doesn't implement the code to read the HcRhDescriptorA
  register and deploy the required delay.
  3. The Fix:
  Add the 4-msec delay to CE's USB host driver then rebuild the platform.

  Modify the filebr> WINCE500/PUBLIC/COMMON/OAK/DRIVERS/USB/HCD/OHCD2/chw.cpp
  Please look at the code "//QQQQQ" below.

  BOOL CHW::Initialize(void)
  InterruptDisable( m_dwSysIntr ); // Just to make sure this is really ours.
  // Initialize Interrupt. When interrupt id # m_sysIntr is triggered,
  // m_hUsbInterruptEvent will be signaled. Last 2 params must be NULL
  if ( !InterruptInitialize( m_dwSysIntr, m_hUsbInterruptEvent, NULL, NULL) )
  DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERROR, (TEXT("-CHW::Initialize. Error on
  return FALSE;

  // Apply power to all root hub ports, just like OHCI.
  m_portBase->HcRhDescriptorA.NPS = 1;
  m_portBase->HcRhStatus.reg= HcRegisters::HcRhStatus:PSC;

  //QQQQQQQ Add 4msec delay that is required by Host Controller.
  // Start up our IST - the parameter passed to the thread
  // is unused for now
  DEBUGCHK( m_hUsbInterruptThread == NULL &&
  m_fUsbInterruptThreadClosing == FALSE );
  m_hUsbInterruptThread = CreateThread( 0, 0, UsbInterruptThreadStub, this, 0,
  NULL );
  if ( m_hUsbInterruptThread == NULL ) {
  DEBUGMSG(ZONE_ERROR, (TEXT("-CHW::Initialize. Error creating
  return FALSE;
  CeSetThreadPriority( m_hUsbInterruptThread, g_IstThreadPriority );
  这是public下的一段代码,在d:/wince500/public/common/oak/drivers/usb/hcd/ohcd2/Chw.cpp以及d:/wince500/public/common/oak/drivers/usb/hcd/uhcd/Chw.cpp文件的BOOL CHW::Initialize()函数中添加一个4ms的延时,然后build and sysgen,重新下载NK,问题解决。
  Sleep(m_portBase->HcRhDescriptorA.POTPGT * 2);


思路是在应用程序创建一个线程,在线程里循环定时查询系统中是否存在USB存储设备,可以通过读取系统注册表或调用 API函数来实现,下面是通过API函数查询USB存储设备的程序片段。
hDevice = FindFirstStore( &StoreInfo );
if( 0 == _tcscmp( StoreInfo.szStoreName, _T('USB Hard Disk Drive') ) )
RETAILMSG( 1, (TEXT('USB%shas been inserted
' ) ,
StoreInfo.szDeviceName ));
}while( FindNextStore( hDevice, &StoreInfo ) );

 如果能够实现在启动系统后,切换USB HOST的电源,然后再上电,应该就能够识别USB设备了,另外也可以通过上下拉USB的数据线实现,但是由于硬件电路已经接死了,故无法通过硬件的机制实现。   网上同样有人遇到类似的问题,有老外给出如下解决方案:   The file describes the cause and the fix of Windows CE 5.0's USB device   detection problem during power-up.   1. USB Device Detection Problem during Powering-Up   - Connect USB devices to EDB93xx's USB ports when the board is   powered-off.   - Power on EDB93xx.   - Wait until CE 5.0 is fully loaded.   - One or several USB devices are not detected by CE 5.0.   2. The Cause   In USB's...

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在XP系统下用 VS2005 连接 WinCE 注册表,都需要什么?
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答:是一个程序,该程序演示了如何在各种USB FUNCTION之间进行切换.一个典型的应用就是把Windows Mobile/WINCE变成U盘使用. 注意设备一定要有支持USB Function Driver的硬件(即USB Client Control),一般市面上的智能手机/PDA都具有此功能.该功能适用于WINCE5.0以上内核. 使用Visual Studio 2005编译.C#代码. -...
