英语作文《怎样保护热带雨林》 如何保护热带雨林的英语作文。初二的。

作者&投稿:钦璧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Strengthening of environmental education to raise environmental awareness of citizens; establishment of an international fund to enable local benefit from the management and protection;
Strengthen forest management and protection, the establishment of nature reserves; selective logging and reforestation of forests combined;
To encourage the protection of sexual exploitation; reduce immigration and farming into the rain forest zone opportunities.


Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central America South Amereica, Arica, and Southeast Asia . Because it rains a lot there . With so much rain , the soil in rain forests is very dark and rich for plants to grow. More than half of the tropical plants in the world grow in rain forest. Thousands of animals live in them, too.
Rain forests make up less than 8% of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick plants makeit difficult to go very far into the forest. Most exploring must be done on foot, or by boat. Therefore, there are large areas that haven't been discovered
Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things .
Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened (威胁) by such things as acid rainfrom factory smoke emissions (散发) around the world and from farm expansion(扩张) . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct(灭绝).
Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests.
Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth.

Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central America South Amereica, Arica, and Southeast Asia . Because it rains a lot there . With so much rain , the soil in rain forests is very dark and rich for plants to grow. More than half of the tropical plants in the world grow in rain forest. Thousands of animals live in them, too.
Rain forests make up less than 8% of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick plants makeit difficult to go very far into the forest. Most exploring must be done on foot, or by boat. Therefore, there are large areas that haven't been discovered
Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things .
Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened (威胁) by such things as acid rainfrom factory smoke emissions (散发) around the world and from farm expansion(扩张) . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct(灭绝).
Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests.
Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth.


答:问题一:我们应怎样保护热带雨林 森林是解决气候最有效也是最直接的方法,但是全球的森林最主要的就是热带雨林,我们总所周知的亚马孙热带雨林,但是那里的人们生活水平底,就靠这些树木为生,甚至用最原始的办法,把树木烧毁,利用烧毁的树木中的原料来种植作物,所以大面积的树木被砍伐,导致全球温气效益,所以...






一篇英语作文,写关于如何保护热带雨林的,第三幅图是cut down the tree...


答:10. 可持续性发展策略 (Sustainable Development) 采用可持续的雨林管理策略,雨林部分地区可供发展,而大体上雨林仍得以保存。虽然不同人士对雨林的土地利用有不同需求,但透过良好的森林管理,我们便可以在开发和保护之间得到平衡。 - 减少使用热带雨林木材制造的产品; - 节省用纸及循环再造纸张(Recycling...