夜店动感超嗨流行时尚欧美舞曲摇摆串烧 dj8分钟的英文歌叫什么名字? Dj - 欧美电音顶级夜店摇摆动感节奏耶比耶比超酷炫时尚流行...

作者&投稿:巩静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
歌名:Speed Of Sound "音速飞行"(中英文对照)

how long before I get in 多久以前我进来
before it starts, before I begin 在它开始前,在我开始前
how long before we decide 多久以前你决定
before I know what it feels like 在我发觉以前
where do, where do I go 到哪里去. 我要到哪里去?
if you never tried then you'll never know 如果你没有尝试过,你永远不会知道
how long do I have to climb 我必须要攀登多高
up on this side of this mountain of mine 登上我自己的高山

look up, I look up at night 仰望,在夜晚我仰望
planets are moving at the speed of light 行星以光速移动
come up, up in the trees 攀登,登上树梢
every chance that you get 你得到的每一个机会
is a chance you seize 都是你抓住的机会
how long I can stand 我能忍受多久
with my head stuck under the sand 我把头埋在沙丘下
I start before I can stop 在我能够停止以前开始
before I say things that I made up 在我看到真实情形以前

and all that noise, all that sound 所有的噪音,所有的声音
all these pieces that i have found 我找到的所有地方
and the earth is gone flying at the speed of sound 鸟儿以音速飞行
to show how it all began 显示一切是如何开始的
birds come flying from the underground 鸟儿从地下飞出
if you could see it then you'd understand 如果你能看见,你就会明白

ideas that you'll never find 你永远不会发现的想法
all the inventors could never design 或是永远不会设计出的发明
the buildings that you put up 你搭建的建筑
Japan and China were all lit up 日本的,中国的,都灯火通明
the sign that I couldn't read 那块我读不懂的标志
all the land that I couldn't see 那盏我看不见的灯
some things you have to believe 有些事情你不得不相信
but others are puzzles, puzzling me 但是其他的事情困惑,令人困惑

and all that noise, all that sound 所有的噪音,所有的声音
all those pieces that I have found 我找到的所有地方
and the earth is gone flying at the speed of sound 鸟儿以音速飞行
to show how it all began 显示一切是如何开始的
birds come flying from the underground 鸟儿从地下飞出
if you could see it then you'd understand 如果你能看见,你就会明白
oh, when you see it then you'll understand 当你看到这一切,你就会明白

all those signs I knew what they meant 所有的标志,我知道它们的意思
something you can't invent 你不能发明的东西


Brandon Heath - Your Love
I felt it first when I was younger

A strange connection to the lie

I tried to satisfy the hunger
I never got it right

I never got it right

So I climbed a mountain and l built an altar

Looked out as far as I could see

And everyday I'm getting older
I'm running outta dreams
I'm running outta dreams

But Your love
Your love
The only the thing that matters is Your love
Your love is all I have to give
Your love is enough to light up the darkness
It's Your love
Your love
all I ever needed is Your love

You know the effort I have given

And you know exactly what it cost

And though my innocence was taken
Not everything is lost
Not everything is lost

But Your love
Your love
The only the thing that matters is Your love
Your love is all I have to give
Your love is enough to light up the darkness
It's Your love
Your love
all I ever needed is Your love

You're the hope in the morning
You're the light when the night is falling
You're the song when my heart is singing
it's Your love
You're the eyes to the blind man
You're the feet to the lame men walking
You're the sound of the people singing
It's Your love

But Your love
Your love
The only the thing that matters is Your love
Your love is all I have to give
Your love is enough to light up the darkness
It's Your love
Your love
all I ever needed is Your love
love is all that I
all I ever needed is Your love
Your love
all I ever needed is Your love
love is all that I
all I ever needed is Your love

love is all that I
It's all I ever needed

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