
作者&投稿:冶韵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  Britney Spears - Womanizer

  Where you from, how's it going?
  I know you
  Gotta clue, what you're doing?
  You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
  But I know what you are, what you are, baby
  Look at you
  Gettin' more than a just re-up
  Baby you!
  Got all the puppers with their strings up
  Fakin' like a good one, but I call'em like I see'em
  I know what you are, what you are, baby
  Womanizer, woman-womanizer,you're a womanizer oh
  Womanizer oh, you are a womanizer baby
  You you you are
  You you you are
  Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  (You) You got me going
  (You) You're oh so charming
  (You) But I can't do it
  (You) Womanizer
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  (You) you say I'm crazy
  (You) I got you crazy
  (You) You're nothing but a womanizer
  You got the swagger of champions
  Too bad for you
  You just can't find the right companion
  I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
  It could be easy who you are, but that's who you are, baby
  Must mistake me as a sucker
  To think that I
  Would be a victim not another
  Say it, play it how you wanna
  But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby
  Womanizer, woman-womanizer,you're a womanizer oh
  Womanizer oh, you are a womanizer baby
  You you you are
  You you you are
  Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  (You) You got me going
  (You) You're oh so charming
  (You) But I can't do it
  (You) Womanizer
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  Boy don't try to front, uh uh
  I know just what you are ah ah
  (You) you say I'm crazy
  (You) I got you crazy
  (You) You're nothing but a womanizer
  Maybe if we both lived in a different world (Womanizer...)
  It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl
  But I can't cause we don't U...
  Womanizer, woman-womanizer,you're a womanizer oh
  Womanizer oh, you are a womanizer baby
  You you you are
  You you you are


  《everytime we touch 》 cascada


  I still hear your voice,
  When you sleep next to me.
  I still feel your touch,
  in my dreams.
  Forgive me my weakness,
  But I dont know why,
  Without you it's hard to survive
  'Cause every time we touch,
  I get this feeling
  And every time we kiss,
  I swear I can fly
  Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
  I want this to last,
  Need you by my side
  'Cause every time we touch,
  I feel the static,
  And every time we kiss,
  I reach for the sky,
  Can't you hear my heart beat so
  I can't let you go,
  I Want you in my life.
  Your arms are my castle,
  Your heart is my sky.
  They wipe away all of the tears that I've cried
  The good and the bad times,
  We've been through them all.
  You make me rise when I fall..
  'Cause every time we touch,
  I get this feeling
  And every time we kiss,
  I swear I can fly
  Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
  I want this to last,
  Need you by my side
  'Cause every time we touch,
  I feel the static,
  And every time we kiss,
  I reach for the sky,
  Can't you feel my heart beat slow,
  I can't let you go,
  I Want you in my life.
  'every time we touch,
  I get this feeling
  every time we kiss,
  I swear I can fly,
  Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
  I want this to last,
  Need you by my side.

以前的MY GIRL里的~~导演也是拍MY GIRL的~~

答:2、花泽类 F4的第二号人物,个性孤僻、神秘且有着一段不愉快的童年。起初是杉菜暗恋的对象,有时会关心人,有时又很冷漠,个性令人捉摸不定。故事的一开始花泽类暗中喜欢的是同样曾经就读英德的学姊藤堂静,但是却发现自己渐渐爱上个性好强的杉菜。曾经为了追得藤堂静的爱,远赴法国巴黎,但这段情...

答:F4成员的名字分别叫言承旭,周渝民,吴建豪,朱孝天。一、言承旭 Jerry Yan,本名廖洋震,1977年1月1日出生于台湾省桃园市。演员、歌手、模特,偶像组合F4中的一员。二、周渝民 Vic Chou,1981年6月9日出生于台湾省宜兰县,中国台湾影视男演员、流行乐歌手,F4组合成员。凭借在偶像剧《流星花园》饰演花泽...

答:F4的主要演艺经历 2001年,四人一起主演偶像剧《流星花园》在台湾走红,随着《流星花园》在亚洲引起注意,可米瑞智传播公司宣布正式成立男子团体,定名F4;同年即发行首张专辑《流星雨》,其中同名歌曲《流星雨》成为代表作 。2002年,发行第二张专辑《烟火的季节》。2002年至2004年,在内地、香港和东南亚等...

答:具俊表(李敏镐或李民浩) 尹智厚(金贤重) 苏易正(金范) 宋宇彬(金俊)




流星花园2 大结局?
答:杉菜佯怒地瞪了阿寺一眼,忍不住笑了。巴塞隆纳这边,终于在教堂里相守的两人还在缠绵悱恻地拥吻不休。《流星花园2》主要剧情 英德学院的万人迷四人组F4终于毕业了。四人决定策划旅行,把目的地选在了西班牙。道明寺(言承旭饰)积极邀杉菜(徐熙媛饰)参与他们的西班牙计划。但是在临行前,道明寺和杉菜又...

答:如果没有就结束,俩人等了一个晚上仍然没有看到流星,道明寺希望杉菜能告诉他爱她,杉菜大声喊出…她们都没有看到老天爷为他们流下了满天的流星雨…第29集 道明寺从傻哥那得知叶莎骨随配对失败后,决定带着叶莎在他生命最后的几个月,陪他环游世界… 道明寺从道明枫的口中得知杉菜离职了…咪咪和杉...

答:个人认为,其实花泽类这个角色本来就很棒,三个人演绎得也是不同的感觉。仔仔 是最具忧郁气质的花泽类。当时刚刚出道的他,虽然演技还不是很纯熟,但是看得出很用心。忧郁的感觉很充分。但是还有不足。样子也很不错。但是相比日版和韩版,台版的流星花园就真的未免有些“寒酸”。他们F4的衣服都是在...