英文简历范文 英文简历范文

作者&投稿:崇颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. 个人信息:

Ryan Guo


+86-136-XXXX-XXXX | XXXXX@hotmail.com



Sep 2010– Jun 2013        J&J University              Mathematics               Master                        Top 10%

Sep 2006– Jun 2010        J&J University              Information System   Bachelor                      Top 30%

3、工作经历 (下面范例是刚刚毕业同学版本,包含实习和校园活动)


Jul 2012– Aug 2012        XX Pharmaceutical Company                                               Sales Summer Intern

§ Supported the team’s visiting and sales management of 11 hospitals, the revenue in Aug was 40% exceeding the target;

§ Be responsible for the invitation for XXX forum. Invited 50 guests (70% of total) in one-week time via cold call, and ensure their attendance and satisfaction level;

§ Visited the newly opened hospital to understand their needs. Successfully invited key decision makers to visit our plant and reached the initial purchasing alignment

Jan 2012– present          XX FMCG Company                                                          Marketing Interviewer                                                    

§ Conducted the market survey for Johnson’s Baby, Neutrogena, and Listerine. Accomplished 2,421 surveys within one month, the completion and credibility rate was the top among 30-interviewer team;

§ Gain the 1st line experience to interact with customers, understand the systematic market research knowledge, and brand position and segmentation.


Jun 2011– Jun 2012       Johnson &Johnson Tomorrow Leader School (TLS)                    President

§ Launched a project team, developed 15 core members, and over 300 volunteers in 1 year, widely promoted the activity to other campuses;

§ Held the 1st Business Challenge “EDIT DREAM” thoroughly planned and run by TLS members, enhanced 90% of participants’ understanding of J&J and TLS;

§ Took an active part in MKT course, gained knowledge of insight, brand equity, and 4P.

Sep 2010– Sep 2011        Postgraduate student union of School of Chemistry        Minister of Publicity Dep.

§ In charge of two commercial lectures held in succession, attendance up to 87/100, 180/200; The propaganda mode was still used today;

§ Won the Bid Conference with highest score (1/9).



Apr 2012                            Second Prize of C Company Social Media Competition             Top 2%

Oct 2011                             Award for social work in A University A Class                           Top 10%

Oct 2011                             Second prize of Academic Scholarship (Twice)                         Top 10%

Dec 2006                             Academic award of B University in three years                   Top 20%



§ English: CET-4 (604) / CET-6 (541)

§ IT: proficient in Excel/PowerPoint/Word

§ Hobby: jogging, traveling


  English Name :ANGELA
  Personal Data:
  Sex:Female Age:23 Height: 160 cm Weight: 48kg Blood Type: B
  Arital Status :Single Native Place: Shijiazhuang city of Hebei province , China
  Email:1044191800@qq.com. Mobil Tel:15100114991
  Educational Background
  Major: English
  Graduate school: Shijiazhuang University of Economics
  Degree: Bachelor
    200809.-201206,Shijiazhuang city of Hebei province Learning company adminstration knowledge by myself mainly.
 Academic Main Courses:
  International Trade\Principles of Management\ Listening \bussiness writing and so on  English Skills:
  Have a good command of both spoken and written English.
  Computer Abilities:
 Skilled in use of Windows / Office2000
  Self Assessment:
  a energetic, adaptable and able gril, is cooperative . and honest to others
  Employment Experience :
  Employment Experience :
  2009/6--2009/10 sale TV in skyworth
  Position Wanted:
  To obtain a challenging position as an administrition

Jennifer Jobready 3412 Avenue Z New York, NY 10005 111-555-0987 SUMMARY == -- CPA with eleven years


Personal Information
Name: Date of Birth:
Gender: Female Native Place: Guangdong
Mobile No.: Email:
Education School: South China Agriculture University
Major: Accountant
Major Category: Business Administration
Major Course: Accounting,Marketing,International Finance,International Accounting Standard,Management Science,Tax Laws and Regulations
Elective Course: Japanese,Public Relations,Advertising
English Skills: CET-4;TOEIC Score:590; good spoken and written English;
Computer Ability: master office software; master photoshop software.
Certificate:《CET-4》,《Certificate of Professional English Proficiency》,《TOEIC Score Certificate》,《Kingdee K/3 System Application》
Hobbies : Writing,Entertainment,Foreign Language
English: Good Cantonese: Fluent Chinese Mandarin: Fluent
Grade of English: CET 4 Oral English: Good
Keqi Shoes Co. Ltd. (operation assistant)
Yuecheng Guangdong Accounting Co. Ltd. (audit assistant)
Coca Cola Co. Ltd. (sales promotion)
Anway Co. Ltd. (sales agent)

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