
作者&投稿:党征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
percentage completed 百分之..已完成
mission attempts 任务尝试(次数)
playing time 游戏时间
day passed in game 游戏中以过天数
safehouse visits 进安全房(次数)
rampages passed
hidden packages found 已找到的隐藏包
people you have wasted 你废掉的人
people wasted by others 被别人废掉的人
road vehicies destroyed 已毁路上交通工具
boat destroyed 已毁船只
planes helicopers destroyed 已毁飞机直升机
tire ppoed with gunfire 用枪打憋得轮胎
total number of wanted stars attained 获得的目标明星总数
total number of wanted stars evaded 逃跑的目标明星总数
times busted
hospital visits 去医院(次数)
number of head shots 爆头次数
daily police spending 每日的警察消耗费用
criminals wasted 废掉的罪犯
kgs of explosives used 已使用爆炸物的公斤数
bullets fired 已发射子弹(数量)
bullets that hit 命中的子弹(数量)
accuracy 命中率
dist traveled on food (miles) 徒步走的距离(英里)
dist traveled by car (miles) 坐车走的距离(英里)
dist traveled by bike (miles) 汽车走的距离(英里)
dist traveled by golf cart (miles) 坐高尔夫球车走的距离(英里)
dist traveled by helicopter (miles) 坐直升机走的距离(英里)
total distance traveled (miles) 总共走过的距离(英里)
MAX.INSANE jump dist (m) 最大疯狂跳跃距离(米)
MAX.INSANE jump height (m) 最大疯狂跳跃高度(米)
MAX.INSANE jump flips 最大疯狂跳跃空翻数
unique jumps completed 完成的特别跳跃
MAX.INSANE jump ratation 最大疯狂跳跃转圈数
best INSANE Stunt so far 目前最佳疯狂特技动作

NO INSANE Stunts completed 没有特技动作

Longest wheelie time (secs) 最长抬起自行车头时间(秒)
Longest wheelie distance (m) 最长抬起自行车头距离(米)
Longest stoppies time (sece) 最长抬后轮时间(秒)
Longest stoppies distance (m) 最长抬后轮距离(米)
Longest 2 wheels time (sece) 最长两轮行使时间(秒)
Longest 2 wheels distance (m) 最长两轮行驶距离 (米)
criminals kill on vigilante mission
highest vigilante mission level
passenger dropped off
cash made in taxi
people save in on Ambulance
Highest paramedic mission level
total fires extinguished
fire truck mission level
Assassination contract completed
flight hours
fishes fed
weapon Budget
fashion Budget
property Budget
Auto repair and painting Budget
property Destoryed
Highese media attention
CRiminal Rating



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I thought for a long time, what are you running out of time, we can understand a not easy, if you do not hate me, I hope before you go we can meet. Perhaps the last time in this life really is.

I thought for a long time, what are you running out of time, we can understand a not easy, if you do not hate me, I hope before you go we can also see the side

I thought for a long time , you are out of time ,it is not easy we can know each other , if you not hate me .hole you we can have a meet . maby this the last time we are toghter in my life .

答:我都将在这里静静等待 I took for granted, all the times That I thought would last somehow 曾经一直,以为我们,终会在一起 I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can’t get near you now 笑声犹在,泪水却落下,你到底在何方?Oh, can’t you see it baby You’ve got me...

答:弥补我的罪过 Once only you chose me 曾经只有你选择我 When this time 那么这次 I will be the one who protect you without hesitation 我也将义无反顾地保护你 However 可是 Why are you still full of grief?为何你眼角眉梢仍溢满忧伤?The haunted night is coming 鬼魅的夜色降临 The ...

答:technical personnel overall quality effective way; Is impels the economic boom, the advance in technology and the social development important condition; The continuing education is participates in global technical and the economic competition important guarantee.希望你能满意,旗子给我吧!

答:OA从最初的以大规模采用复印机等办公设备为标志的初级阶段,发展到今天的以运用网络和计算机为标志的现阶段,对企事业单位办公方式的改变和效率的提高起到了积极的促进作用。Trough the initial stage featured mass use of office facilities such as the copy machine to the recent stage features the ...

答:B:我也很高兴认识你,我是刚进校的新生,我的专业是航空服务,你学的什么专业呢?Me, too. Very glad to become classmates with you.A:我也是航空服务专业,很高兴和你成为同班同学。That's very destined and we will help each other later.B:那真是太有缘了,以后我们互相帮助。No ...

答:in operating WildfirePro/e5.0, AutoCAD drawing system and common computer software.6. 能独立应对模具制作和生产过程中的修模及设变,提出应对的解决方案。Able to independently conduct mold repairs and changes during mold making and production, and offer relevant solutions.【英语牛人团】...

答:No matter when,don't do anything that damages the honor of the class,make an effort for the class of "5A",fight for the glory for the class,but/and at least do not shame the class.文明班直译的话是-civilized class,但是这里用civilized听起来很可笑(一般用在是非野人-文明人)...

答:subject in research of the psychal reactions during the process of art creation and appreciation Design of animated scene(场景设计)——动画背景的构图与上色 composition and variegation of the background scenes of animations 那个“素描”应该是sketch,而不是painting,我给你改过来了 ...

答:1. XXXs is a great irony novel 2.This be the children's literature work, actually but is an attack at that time British society depravity and corrupt of irony novel.3.However, draw on most my but is that the author's great adventurous spirit ...

拜托那位英语高手帮我翻译下啊 ~急用 别用翻译软件啊!
答:The user can't have a vision that represents the complete body of your product users.使用者不能对所有你的产品所有的使用者有一个整体的认识。终于磕磕绊绊地翻译完了。吐血中。那个提问的,如果你是学项目管理的,或者有志于学习,还是先从中文书籍看起,有了基本概念后会获得更好的效果。