
作者&投稿:堵媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1、 Who is jack shouting at?
2、You should't be angry with your parents.
3\ the boy doesn't go out with keeping doing his homework.
4 they're trying their best to find your child
5 why don't you turn down the TV
6 let's clean the house in a minute
7 please take a seat inside
8 这一句你打错了吧?

1.Who is Jack shouting at?
2.You shouldn't be angry with your parents.
3.The boy doesn't go out while keeping doing exercises.
4.They are doing their best to looking for your child.
5.Why don't you turn down the sound of TV?
6.Let's clean the house in a minute.
7.Please take a seat.
8.do a favor/give sb a hand.

who is jack shouting at?
you should not be angry with your parents.
the boy doesn't go out and keep doing homework.
they are doing their best to find your child.
why do not you turn down the tv.
let's clean the house in a minute.
come in and take a seat.
give sb a hand.

1:who does Jack shout at?
2:You should not be angry with your parents?
3:The boy doesn't go out ang he still keep doing homework.
4:They are doing their best to find out your child.
5:Why don't you turn down the TV ?
6:We clean the house in a minute.
7:Please take a seat !
8:Give me a hand !


红毛衣多少钱? 八美元
蓝裙子多少钱? 七美元
白书包多少钱? 九美元
黑裤子多少钱? 十美元
蓝袜子多少钱? 三美元

1.The dinner/supper was cooked by my mom.
My mom cooked the dinner/supper.

2.This book will be bought by me.
I will buy this book.

3.English is read by me every day.
I read English every day.

请各位法语高手帮帮忙吧 翻译一下这几个句子~
答:les gens qui ont des problèmes.14 真理如同太阳,它让人看到一切,却不让人看他。La vérité ressemblant au soleil, met tout en lumière sauf elle-même.15 你的学习成绩可以衡量出你付出的努力。Tes notes représente tes efforts.翻译从来不是唯一的,希望对你来说这是一份好的参考。

答:1 您的工作会影响您家庭生活的其他方面或许就是您工作地点离您住家的远近---有些人就因为上班通勤时间太长而焦虑不安。2 技能审核能使您认识到影响您进步的障碍是什么。技能审核详细分解您所有的资历和过去所接受的培训、以及您在日常生活中所获得的各种技能。

答:26。大约200名心脏手术一年都在小溪医院。27。他是一个如此好的讲故事的人,他可以将他的角色 活了起来。28。我们的老师正试图呈现一个精确的画面的历史。29。他把她送上这艘船开往纽约。30岁。他们花了几年来说服我那是可能的。31。孩子们渴望看到的性能。32。你的快乐,那是唯一要紧的事情。

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答:译: 这似乎是一项重点业务领域的外资银行在中国近几年,因为这是他们的优势超过国内银行 as it is where they have an edge over domestic banks 译:因为这是他们的优势超过国内银行 11.after-credit services 译: 经过信贷服务 12.ahead and beyond 译:提前跨越 参考资料:在线翻译系统翻译 ...

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