英语散文怎么翻译 感觉好难 比政府工作报告难多了 根本不知道用什么词

作者&投稿:宗政虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在看英文材料的同时 也要提高自己的中文修养 有的时候明明知道英语翻译成中文的意思 但不知道该用什么词 如何去润色自己的文章 这和自己中文的水平也大大相关


呵呵 认真听听把 加油


Discovery / 发现
---Diane Ackerman/迪安. 阿克曼

The word “discovery” literally means, uncovering something that’s hidden from view. But what really happens is a change in the viewer. The familiar offers comfort few can resist, and fewer still want to disturb. But as relatively recent inventions such as the telescope and microscope have taught us, the unknown has many layers. Every truth has geological strata, and you can’t have an orthodoxy without a heresy. The moment a newborn opens its eyes, discovery begins. I learned this with a laugh one morning after delivering a calf. When it lifted up its fluffy head and looked at me, its eyes held the absolute bewilderment of the newly born. A moment before it had the even black nowhere of the womb, and suddenly its world was full of colour, movement and noise. I’ve never seen anything so shocked to be alive.


Genius at Work / 天才在工作

Henry Ford didn’t always pay attention in school. One day , he and a friend took a watch apart.? Angry and upset, the teacher told him both to stay after school.? Their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch.? But the teacher did not know young Ford’s genius.? In ten minutes, this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home. Ford was always interested in how things worked.? He once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire.? Then he waited to see what would happen.? The water boiled and, of
course, turned to steam.? Since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded.? The explosion cracked a mirror and broke a window.? The young inventor was badly scalded. Ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off.? He dreamed of a horseless carriage.? When he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.

亨利. 福特在学校里常常心不在焉。有一天,他和一个小朋友把一块手表拆开了。老师很生气,让他们放学后留下来,把表修好才能回家。当时这位老师并不知道小福特的天才。只用了十分钟,这位机械奇才就把手表修好,走在回家的路上了。福特对各种东西的工作原理总是很感兴趣。曾有一次,他把茶壶嘴用东西堵住,然后把茶壶放在火炉上。他便站在一边等候着会出现什么情况。当然,水开后变成了水蒸气。因为水蒸气无处逸出,茶壶便爆炸了,因而打碎了一面镜子和一扇窗户。这个小发明家也被严重地烫伤了。多年后,福特的好奇心和他的动手能力使他得到了回报。他曾经梦想着去制造一辆无马行进的车。他造成了一辆这样的车后,运输界发生了永久性的变化。

  论择友 on seeking friends
  A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.

  “A man is known by the companion he keeps.” It is always true. Companionship of a high order is powerful to develop character. Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else. Purity begets purity, like begets like; and this fact makes the choice of companion in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians
  It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions, some are thrust upon us by business or the social relations of life, we do not choose them, we do not enjoy them; and yet, we have to associate with them more or less. The experience is not altogether without compensation, if there be principle enough in us to bear the strain. Still, in the main, choice of companions can be made, and must be made. It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with “Tom, Dick, and Harry” without forethought or purpose. Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps must be observed. The subject should be uttermost in the thoughts, and canvassed often

  Companionship is education, good or not; it develops manhood or womanhood, high or low; it lifts soul upward or drags it downward; it minister to virtue or vice. There is no half way work about its influence. If it ennobles, it does grandly, if it demoralizes, it doest it devilishly. It saves or destroys lustily. Nothing in the world is surer than this. Sow virtue, and the harvest will be virtue, Sow vice, and the harvest will be vice. Good companionships help us to sow virtue; evil companionships help us to sow vice.




