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作者&投稿:住妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Without absolute optimists and pessimists, pessimism means more than negative thinking. Personality scientific research shows that it also includes attention to results, that is, expectations of the future. 


Optimists tend to anticipate positive results, while pessimists believe that negative results are more likely to occur.


Being a pessimist is not necessarily a bad thing. How you use your pessimism is the key.


As we know, “Music plays a very important part in our life.” It’s right, especially for us, the students in the middle school. Among so many kinds of music, I like traditional music best.
Maybe you’ll think it’s too difficult to enjoy traditional music, in fact, it can not only make you feel peaceful and relaxed after studying but also improve your ability to enjoy music. If you want, you will learn more about the stories or cultures behind the music. It can open your eyes and minds if you put your heart into it.
Traditional music is really important to me. Through it, I gain more friends and knowledge. I really hope there will be more students who can try learning it and the culture of music.

As for me,music is part of my daily life.I like soft mucic which gives me relief when i am sad.I almost listen to music everyday,especially Saturday and Sunday.Soft music not only make me feel quiet,but also leave me a chance to consider things better.In a word,music is a necessary in my life,and i will lose something without music.


四川地震,地震无情人有情  Home to a strong earthquake, the people working outside Xinjirufen. Their first thought is that their loved ones are safe ? How home-like ? Rush to return home as soon as possible, to participate in the rescue and rebuild their homes. But natural disasters which blocked the railway, the train decommissioning, long-distance truck capacity shortage, more than 10,000 from around the convergence of Sichuan Province to Xi'an transit workers in disaster areas anxiously awaiting the return home!   Qualcomm situation in the heart, blood is thicker than water. Migrant workers in the disaster areas to return home affect the way the hearts of the people of Xi'an. Provincial Party Secretary Zhao Leji, governor Yuan Chunqing the first time made important instructions, Xi'an municipal government immediately made arrangements to mobilize all the forces can be mobilized quickly organized the city's capacity to the fastest speed Sending migrant workers to go home.   To the secretary, to the mayor, to the commander and political commissar of the past, public security, traffic, traffic police and health departments to the person in charge. Migrant workers came to the middle, Wenhanwennuan, a certain commitment to send them home as soon as possible, so that migrant workers have been anxious the warm comfort. Metro, the mobilization of Yanta, who conscientiously fulfill their duties; Bureau of Transportation, bus companies to mobilize, they transferred the bus in good condition; Xi'an tourism groups to mobilize, they prepared the way migrant workers The necessary food and drink; policemen mobilized, they clear their task is to maintain order and cleared the way by police escort; oil companies to mobilize, they ensure that the fuel is sufficient; mobilization of the health s

According to a survey, in recent years, the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into society. This extravagant spending is mainly causd by the following factors: First of all, nowadays, most students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family's eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. Secondly, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditures of their children. Thirdly, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tends to need more money. Finally,campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.

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关于梦想的英语作文150字左右 带翻译
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答:music fuels my mood150词英语作文如下:As we know,“Music plays a very important part in our life.” It’s right,especially for us,the students in the middle school.Among so many kinds of music,I like traditional music best.众所周知,“音乐在我们的生活中扮演着非常重要的角色。


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