求初一水平返老还童英文观后感!100词左右就好。 返老还童英语影评

作者&投稿:宫军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
刚好这两天刚看完返老还童。 尽量帮你写吧.
These days I've just watched a movie called "the curious case of benjamin button", which seems ridiculous but worth thinking about. I haven't yet gone through any tough stuff like what Benjamin has faced, but i know there are always some difficult things that have been set for everyone. Sometimes you may think that is what called "fate", and then give up, succumb to that "fate". But how do you know what you're gonna be without struggling? Benjamin has gone through all that things and finally known what was gonna happen to him. So I'd like to say, one thing that throughout your whole life is struggling. To be a determined man, to face anything that happens to you, then you will know, you are the one, the one who you wanna be. 可以的话选我吧,谢谢啦。





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答:刚好这两天刚看完返老还童。 尽量帮你写吧. These days I've just watched a movie called "the curious case of benjamin button", which seems ridiculous but worth thinking about. I haven't yet gone through any tough stuff like what Benjamin has faced, but i know there are always ...

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