南昌摩天轮英文介绍~急需~谢谢O(∩_∩)O谢谢 乘坐摩天轮用in还是on是不是in强调坐在包厢里面

作者&投稿:唐建 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
“南昌之星”摩天轮位于江西省南昌市红谷滩新区红角洲赣江边上的赣江市民公园,是目前世界上第二高的摩天轮,南昌市标志性建筑。 该摩天轮总高程为160米,转盘直径为153米,比位于英国 泰晤士河边的135米高的“伦敦之眼”摩天轮还要高,成为目前世界上第二高的摩天轮。它设有60个太空舱,每舱可容游客6—8人,舱内配置了液晶电视、冷暖空调,每小时将可容纳近千人“空中”旋转看南昌。它旋转一周约需30分钟,在160米高空俯瞰大地,南昌的山水美景尽收眼底,那种兴奋和新奇是平地无法享受的。

" Nanchang star" Ferris wheel located in Jiangxi Province, Nanchang City: Hongjiaozhou Ganjiang River on the edge of the Ganjiang citizen Park, is currently the world's second highest Ferris wheel, Nanchang City landmark building. The ferris wheel of total height of 160 meters, a diameter of 153 meters, is located on the Thames River is 135 metres tall" London Eye Ferris wheel" is even higher, become the world's second high Ferris wheel. It has 60 capsules, each capsule can accommodate 6 visitors and 8 cabin configuration, LCD TV, air conditioning, per hour will can accommodate nearly 1000" air" rotating at nanchang. It rotates one cycle takes about 30 minutes, at 160 meters above the ground overlooking the earth, Nanchang landscape panoramic view, the kind of excitement and novelty is the ground could not enjoy.

“南昌之星”摩天轮的轮面彩灯由六七千根LED半导体照明器件构成,全部亮灯后除了可以显示一座直径为153米的巨型彩色时钟,还可根据需要设定不同图案,目前,彩灯系统已经预设了15套节目;另外,市民还可发送手机 短信到控制系统,摩天轮的彩灯即可显示短信内容,字数只要在12个之内即可。

" Nanchang star" Ferris wheel surface lantern consists of six thousand or seven thousand LED semiconductor lighting devices, lighting after all show that in addition to a diameter of 153 meters of the giant color clock, can be set according to the needs of different patterns, at present, lantern system has been preset 15 sets of programs; in addition, the public can also send mobile phone short message to the control system, the ferris wheel lights to display the message content words, as long as the 12 number of days.


Nanchang Ferris wheel will also be installed the world's largest clock, a 60 capsule respectively represent the 60 minutes of time scale, the ferris wheel with double power supply with dual power system, in order to ensure the safety, at the same time capsule is also provided with a fire extinguisher, walkie-talkie and lifesaving rope drum, in the event of failure, the tourists along the rope next, to avoid the danger of. The ferris wheel to rotate at a constant speed operation, but if there are passengers in the cabin space of sudden illness, such as heart disease, through the walkie-talkie and ground control personnel, can regulate the transport speed, enable the patient to quickly reach the ground.

Shdiewfher jfierni fhewihfur fhiue wqrfuier hufrehg freufre erjriiug reuhuis ghreuiwhgrewu hrewugh rewuiergh fuirweoqguire rueih gre huhfreuh fgwygy ferugyre gryurgi pepie fhew fhasufh frhauiegg fguiear freuaeu jbnjfsdhjh fjsdhj njbjbd uhfjdhsfb dmzoqp pqnuuri fhsdjhf bbhjkdsnlf ufburhflieur! This is Wdgwuefwe! I like it! 你先采纳我采纳完了我我就告诉你中文


Today, mom took me to ride the ferris wheel, don't mention how happy I am. Changsha Ferris wheel is Asia's largest Ferris wheel, I would like to feel its "taste."
Afternoon, my mother and I went to the ferris wheel, the show in front of us is a majestic, towering Ferris wheel. He stood on the roof above, it looks like a steel and iron giant standing there. Looked so tall Ferris wheel, I was still really have some fear, but my mother said nothing, took me into the Ferris wheel.
Just sit on the ferris wheel, I felt a little afraid, but slowly, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, all left to be flung to the four winds. The ferris wheel of the cockpit is closed, with six seats, and air conditioning! Just like sitting in the Audi car as comfortable.
The ferris wheel slowly lifted off, I look into the distance: tall buildings become so small, upper windows only fingernail is so small, I look down: the lawn like a "clay oven rolls," with some sort of pattern! The ferris wheel has risen to the top, downwards see again, huh? How have so many "ants?" Oh, it is. He looked down, saw a towering tree hazy, the stream never stops flowing. The cars on the road ran, far from the grand He Long stadium. While enjoying the ferris wheel high-altitude operation of joy, while enjoying the beautiful scenery in Changsha, far away from my thoughts fly far, I boarded the space, in the magic space......
I'm off the ferris wheel is Yi still not, looked at it, recalling the ferris wheel. Ah! Is really worthy of Asia's largest Ferris wheel!

in和on均可,类同in/on the bus/ship/train/plane
When we rode on / in the Ferris wheel, I discovered my fear of heights. 当我们坐摩天轮的时候,我发现我有恐高症。


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