求一英文 作文题 我从朋友那里学到了什么 120字左右 求帮写英语作文,120字左右。。题目:假设我是李华,我的美国...

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If half of the material civilization in the United States is attributed to Edison, the discoverer, half of the energy culture in the United States is attributed to Emerson, the thinker. This is, of course, exaggeration. However, historians of thought think that the thinkers representing the American spirit actually started from Emerson.


Few Americans Write "compositions" without using Emerson's. It is said that Emerson always asks a question when he meets his friends: "what have you made clear since we last met?" This brief question includes a lot of learning principles.


First, learning is hard. It takes time to figure out a problem. Emerson's period, traffic inconvenience, meet with friends, assuming that every two or three months. The assumption of Emerson's question is that it takes a person two or three months to figure out at most two or three questions, so that they are worth asking and can be answered. If a person can figure out one problem every day, he can figure out 60 to 90 problems in two or three months. It's not worth asking, it's not worth answering.


Second, learning is necessary. It's necessary to learn how to think, just as oxygen is necessary for people's body. This is another hypothesis that Emerson asked this question: in two or three months, one should understand one or two questions. Otherwise, Emerson would ask this question: "since our last meeting, which delicious restaurant have you invented? "Fun KTV?"


Third, learning is about speaking. Say it, not just to tell others what you've learned. In fact, it is a learning process. It can help us think more clearly. Drucker, the great master of governance, said: "I learn by listening - listening to myself." Of course, it's OK to write it. The novelist Faulkner said, "I read what I said, and then I know what I think."


Howard Gardner, a famous psychologist, told me that he would give a report and said, "I'm curious about what I'm going to say." This is an example: the process of speaking is not the printing process of the printer, the thought has been fixed, but more like the writing process of a calligrapher, which is a part of the creation of the thought.



I have a best friend. We met at school. We`re in the same grade. He`s a diligent student. He`s very hardworking. I learn a lot from him. He helps me with math. I help him with English. We`re a good study team. He`s honest and reliable. I trust him completely. We share secrets all the time. He`s loyal and brave. Once a bully teased me. He came to my rescue right away. He`s considerate and polite. He makes me little gifts. He always remembers my birthday. He is fun to be with. He tells funny jokes. His stories make me laugh. He`s a good listener. He knows when I`m blue. He picks me up when I`m down. He`s one of a kind. We`ll stay friends forever. I hope you have a friend like mine.


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在学校里,我的好朋友有很多,但是今天我要写我的一位最好的朋友。她有着长长的黑发,大大的眼睛,不大不小的鼻子。 那是我刚刚转到师院附小的第一个星期。有一次,上科 学课,老师说让我们到外面观察学校的动物,植物,然后做记录,我想有个人陪我一起找,因为我那时候不太熟悉学校,于是有一个学生对我说;“我们一起找吧!”我很开心,因为这是我来这个学校第一个人主动跟我打招呼。“我们可以成为好朋友吗?”我说,“我非常愿意”我们就牵着手一起去找动物和植物了。 我们先去了花坛,看见了一些菊花,花上还有许多的蜜 蜂,像是在采蜜。紧接着我们又看到了兰花,串红······观察完了花我们又去了池塘,池塘里有许多的金鱼,像小鱼换上了金色的新衣服似的。我们看完了小鱼又牵着手去了绿化带,那里有许多的梅花树,杨柳树······ 音乐响起了,下课了,我们在回去的路上我不小心摔倒 了,幸亏她扶了我一下,要不然这一摔,我屁股都得两半了。 回教室以后,我说:“谢谢你,我们永远都是最好的朋 友”他点了点头。 你们想知道她叫什么名字吗?她就是孙铭阳是我最好


英语:A good friend of mine

In school, my good friends have a lot, but today I want to write a best friend of mine. She has long black hair, big eyes, small nose. It is the first week I just go to normal school. Once, on a science class, the teacher said let us go to the school to observe the animals, plants, and then do the record, I want to have a person to accompany me to find, because I was not too familiar with the school, so a student said to me!" I am very happy, because this is the first person I come to this school to say hello to me. "Can we be good friends?" I said, "I would like to," we are holding hands to find the animals and plants. We first went to the flower beds, saw some of the flowers, flowers, there are a lot of honey bees, such as in the production of honey. And then we saw the orchid, the red, the red, and the observation of the flowers we went to the pond, the pond has a lot of goldfish, like small fish on the golden new clothes like. We read the small fish and lead to the green belt, where there are many plum tree, Milyush music sounded, class, we go back on the way I accidentally fell, thanks to her help me, otherwise this fall, I have two halves. Back to the classroom, I said: "thank you, we will always be the best friends" he nodded. Do you want to know her name? She is Sun Mingyang is my best
Friend. Sun Mingyang, her spirit of helping others is worth our study. He is a good student, but also a good friend.

I am Li Hua.Recently I heard from my American friend Jack.He told me,His German friend because he made a OK gesture ignore him.Please email.The gesture in different countries that have different meanings.OK in the American agreed or praise sb.But In Germany a disdainful meaning.