请帮我出50道英语句子划分题 帮我翻译几个英语句子,还有几道句型转换英语题,谢谢

作者&投稿:东郭界 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1. Mary, would you please tell me your new a ______so that I can write to you?
2.-Does this piece of m ______ sound nice?
-Yes, it's wonderful!
3. May 12th is the International N______ Day. Let's say "Thanks” to them for their work in the fight against SARS.
4. The more dirty water the factory pours into the river, the w___ the environment nearby will be.
5. Victor is a b ______boy and he learns quickly.
6. Please c_____those exercises down from the blackboard so that you can do them after school.
7. -What's the b_______ hours of that supermarket ?
-8:30 a. m-9:30 p.m.
8.-Mum, if Hurry is not well enough to do the work. Let me do it i______.
-You'd better have more rest .
9. Father got up late this morning and m ______the 6:00 train.
10. -I h_____ go to bed before midnight.
-I thinks that's too late and it's not good for your health.
11. Boys and girls, you mustn't m ______any noise in the library.
12. Mr George u_____ to take a walk after supper when he was in the countryside.
13. Tom did well in the composition, so his classmates spoke h____ of him.
14. Great h_____ makes great man.
15. Could you cut the water melon into eight h_____
16. Two h _____ ride is not so long.
17.1 usually go to see my grandparents t______ a month.
18. -What can you find u _____ the sea?
-Different kinds of fishes.
19. Go along this road until you r _____ the end.
20. Good news! We have w _____ the relay race.
21. Qingdao is one of the best places for s______ in China.
22. It is n ______ eight you must hurry or you'll miss the train.
23. The road was so n_____ that the truck couldn't pass.
24. My teacher often e______ us to speak English.
25. Yesterday I took part in the b ______ 100-metre race.
26. A 12-year-old boy named Li Lida successfully went a ______the Qiongzhou Channel.
27. Don't draw pictures on p_____ walls.
28. You should pick up the rubbish and throw it into a d_____
29. They are collecting waste paper for r_______
30. The beautiful s______ of the mountain attracts lots of visitors.
31. The camera costs too much. I can't a______ it.
32. When the sun came out, the snow d______ soon, melted.
33. Do you know that some dinosaurs were covered with f_____ ?
34. Who can d______ what the robber looks like?
35.I think it p______ to finish the work in a week.
36. The s______ surfer is quite different from the so called beach boys.
37. Don't forget the c _____when you clean the classroom.
38. In the school library you can see many things, like d_____, magazines and so on.
39. This is a d _____ camera. I bought it online last week.
40. All members of the audience should be dressed n______
41. Father Christmas can't climb down every chimney in the world in a s ______night.
42. There's an u _____ Dinosaur World in the museum.
43. You can see the f ______ fish in coal.
44. The waves at Makaha are t_____ .
45. The ship is used to e ______ under the sea.
46. Water is very important to our e________.
47. Computers are very useful in the m ______ world.
48. Christ People call it Christmas, w______ comes from the name Chirst.
49. Can you tell any d______ between the twins ?
50. Make sure you have put all the r______ into the dustbin.
51.-Is India a d______ country? -Yes, I think so.
52. The boy was h ______ by the doctor yesterday.
53. Did you n______ the chemical teacher do the experiment?
54. This story is very interesting. It's w______ reading.
55. E______ is the best teacher.
56. We can get more i______ on the Internet.
57. The lonely people often r _____ the pets as their family members.
58. The i_____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.
59. I w ______ if everyone in your office can use the computer.
60. The Eiffel Tower was d_______ by a Frenchman called Gustave Eiffel over 100 years ago.

II. 根据句子意思和首字母提示用适当的单词填空 :
1. My dress is getting d_______ and needs washing .
2. Could you please put the r_______ into the dustbin ?
3. There is a truck c_______ lots of litter outside , then it will carry all the litter out of the city .
4. W______ we live , we should do something useful around our neighbourhood .
5. Most of the waste things can be r________ to make some new things .
6. Today p_________ the environment is very important .
7. You will never draw pictures on p_______ walls .
8. Suddenly a piece of music c______ to my ears .
9. We must do something useful to make a c__________ to make our world beautiful .
10. In summer I often go swimming in a swimming pool n_______ .
11. The beds and chairs in the house are rather c__________ . I like living here .
12. They stopped to watch the beautiful s_________ on the way to the Great Dam .
13. Jack often practices s__________ English with foreigners at weekends .
14. After the Spring Festival , winter won’t l_______ long .
15. Jim thought the train was like a big m_________ party .
16. I think t_________ by train is the best .
17. Please find five differences at l________ between the two pictures .
18. There are many beauties’ photos on the cover pages of those m__________ .
19. To offer hot water and check the tickets is her job . We know she is a c________ .
20. Mout Tai is one of the most beautiful m__________ in China .

1. address 2.music 3. Nurses’ 4. worse 5. bright
6. copy 7. business 8. instead 9. missed 10. hardly
11. make 12. used 13. highly 14. history 15. halves
16. hours' 17. twice 18. under 19. reach 20. won
21. surfing 22. nearly 23.narrow 24. encourages 25. boys'
26. across 27. public 28. dustbin 29. recycling 30. scenery
31. afford 32. disappeared 33. feathers 34. describe 35. possible
36. serious 37. corners 38. dictionaries 39. digital 40. neatly
41. single 42. underground 43. fossil 44. terrific 45. explore
46. environment 47. modern 48. Which 49. differences 50. rubbish
51. developing 52. healed 53. notice 54. worth 55. Encouraging
56. information 57. regard 58.increasing 59. wonder 60. designed

II. 根据句子意思和首字母提示用适当的单词填空 :
1-5 dirty , rubbish , collecting , Wherever , recycled ,
6-10 protecting , public , came , contribution , nearby ,

11-15 comfortable , scenery , speaking , last , moving ,
16-20 travelling , least , magazines , conductor , mountains .



1.If you wear jeans to the dance,people will laugh to you laugh to ------ laugh at 2.we had a difficult time the sheep 这个句子不完整, the sheep 好像少了个动词 3.I think he joined in the Lions(雄狮队)last year 去掉in 4.Last year Marry married with a doctor called Johnson. 去掉with 5.A watch is used to telling the time telling------tell 6.Two thirds of the work in our office were done by the computer last year were ------was 7.By the time I arrived at the party he had left fof ten minutes 去掉for 8.The boys are very acticity,they exercise every day acticity------active 9.She has bought the jacket for over two years bought ------ had 10.How long have you been to China For more than two years. to------in 11.Mr Hu taught English in this school since two years ago 去掉since 12.Did you see Mr Chen yesterday afternoon No. when Igot to school ,he has lsft already has lsft ------had left 13Why is your brother's English so good? Because he has gone to New York for six years has gone to ------ has been in 14.The new restaurant had been open for no more than one week no more than ------ not more than 15.I don't want to wear the scarf because I'm afraid to lugh at to lugh at------to be laughed at

1.How about going to the picnic in the park on Sunday?
2.What is the difference between the weather in China and that in America?
3.How far is your home from the school?Three miles.
4.Jack is never late for school.
5.I do exercise three times a week.
6.I am sorry. I am afraid I cannot go to your birthday party tonight.
7.Jimmy is ill so he has to stay at home.
8.Mary, would you like to watch a movie with me on Saturday?
9.The math exam is on 15, this Sunday.
10.Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party,Jack.

1.With whom is the woman walking into the shop?
2.When can Jack come to the party?
3.What do you do on Wednesday?

答:yet是转折连词;he作主语;cannot find作谓语;a bank作宾语;形容词短语ready to let him have a credit card作宾语a bank的补语。2. Instead, he has…is 18是独立(于之前)的一句话。句子成分划分如下:instead是副词,作状语;he has…is 18.是一个含有时间状语从句的主从复合句。主句he has ...

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答:回答量:50 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:22.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般...

答:帮助的人:173万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等。 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定。 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,一般由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充...

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英语语法好的帮我解答问题 关于句子成分划分问题
答:谓语 谓语 be是系动词,doing做表语,两个加起来就是谓语 后面的也是做谓语 will,can ,should,have等都是助动词,后面加动词原形或动词的分词形式(have)构成谓语,只是表示的东西不一样 will表示将来的,can表示能力,should表示应该,have表示完成,be表示状态 ...

答:先找主语,在找动词,有时候可以根据动词的变位时态来判断主语是谁。第一句有点复杂而且不全,这一整个都是主语。第二句thisrule主语 一般动词跟在主语后所以is是动词。动词后跟状语或宾语,状语就是一些时间地点啊之类的,第二句话有很多从句。首先be meant to do,adress又是一个动词 the difficulty是...