英语表写埃及美食的作文50词 描写埃及的英语作文,根据文化、饮食、生活等等来描写,不要太深...

作者&投稿:油邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Egypt has a few things for food is very nostalgic.
Such as the roast mutton string, spicy with fresh sweet, not greasy don't Shan, tender meat delicious.
We tasted the barbecue praise after all, said only eat the meat to, to enjoy the mutton, natural fresh sweet confused, and the unique taste is any other method into the meat cooked cannot be replaced.
Maybe, this is the most primitive, of the most remote one of the eat custom!
And sesame bread, is on the table popular snack, pine crunchy crispy, no sugar, no salt and oil, is a kind of very feature of the food, have natural fragrance, that a man may eat also want to eat.
So far more impressive is the potatoes beef soup.
The egyptians to cut meat and potatoes and Onions ChengXiaoDing simmer slowly made boil soup, perhaps is the quality of the beef is very good, make the flavour of the soup is particularly tasty.
On the buffet soup pot as long as a appear potatoes beef, whether European or Asian people will go to in long lines of soup, it seems that the mouth is discerning.
Egypt is rich in tropical fruit and sugar cane juice, sugar cane juice is the kingdom of Egypt to drink, taste is especially sweet.
In the city that bottled water through the strict chlorinated, if you really mind taste, can buy bottled water.
Green bottles of Stella (Stella) beer quality is very difficult to guarantee, but the general good.



As we all know, good eating habit is very important. However, some students have bad eating eating habits. They often go to school without breakfast . Also they eat some snacks. Even some often overeat. All these bad habits are bad for our health. In order keep healthy, we had better have meals regularly and have different kind of food. In my opinion , in order to build up our body, we should try to form good eating habit.

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