快!英语作文,在线等 假如你是校英文报记者李华,你校今年的寒假作业让人耳目一新。学生

作者&投稿:滕烟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
画戟问天 | 二级
以前在各大学校里都流传着这么一个恐怖故事 说是A校有不干净的东西 每当十五的时候 学校门口的鲁迅像的眼睛就会动 所有教学楼都会停电 楼梯会从原来的13阶变成14阶 实验室的水龙头放出来的水会变成红色 还有1楼尽头的那个厕所只要有人进去了就再也出不来了 于是 一群不信邪的孩子们约好15那天去探险 晚上12点 他们准时来到了那所学校的门口 鲁迅像的眼睛望着左边 他们记下了 生怕出来的时候记不得有没有动过 他们来到了教室 打开开关 咦 不是亮着的么? “骗人。”一个男孩发出抱怨 “再看看吧。” 来到了楼梯口 “1 2 3...13没错阿 是13阶阿?” 孩子们有点怀疑传说的真实性了 于是他们又来到了实验室 水龙头打开了 白花花的水流了出来 “真没劲阿 我们白来了!” 刚开始的刺激感都消去了一半。 最后 他们来到了那个厕所 女孩子虽然口上说不相信 可是还是不敢进去 于是让刚刚很拽地说不怕的小C进去 看了表 1点整 2分钟后 男生出来了 “切 都是骗人的” 孩子们不欢而散。 出门时 一个看门人发现了他们 喝斥他们怎么可以那么晚还在学校逗留。孩子们撒腿就跑 小B特地注意了一下门口的石像 没错 眼睛还是朝左看得 “骗人的”他嘀咕了一声 “喂 小B么?小C昨天晚上和你们一起出去玩 怎么还没回来?”第二天早上 小C的妈妈打电话过来询问。 小C也没有去学校上课 孩子们隐约感到不对了 于是 他们将晚上的探险之事告诉了老师和家长 大家在大人的陪同下回到了那个学校。 “什么? 我们的鲁迅像的眼睛一直是朝右看的阿。”校长听了孩子们的叙述 不可思议的说。 “可是我们昨天来的时候是朝左看的阿” 出门一看 果然 是朝右看得... “可是昨天的确有电阿” “昨天我们这里全区停电...你们怎么开得灯?” “还有楼梯!”孩子们迅速跑到楼梯口 “1 2 3...12?” “我们的楼梯一直是12阶的。” “不可能!!!” “还有实验室”一个孩子提醒道 “对 实验室” 一行人来到实验室 就在昨天他们开过的那个水龙头下 有一摊暗红色的痕迹。 “是血迹。” “那...小C昨天还去过那个厕所

New Ways To Make You Enjoy Your Holiday

This is Li Hua from school English newspaper,Here,I will show you the special homework of this winter vacation.
It's proved from our school that the homework of this year will be very different from before,First,students can choose a musical instrument to learn in the long vacation in order to make the long winter more colorul,students can also choose to take a trip this year,It's sure that you will enjoy your vacation this year if you do so.
Many parents say that their kids don't like to exericise in the holiday,so this year,parents can make their children take a active part in the sport events which can make students healthier.It's also a good idea to set up a folder to write down what you learn and you can sure find that you are developing this holiday
This year,you can try these ways to have a wonderful holiday


快!英语作文,在线等 假如你是校英文报记者李华,你校今年的寒假作业让人耳目一新。学生~

This is Li Hua, the English news of XXX school. As the new education policies impletmented, there are a lot of new phenomena emerging in our school. With the winter vacation coming, the homework for this vacation is totally different from that of before. Here is the details.

The homeworkers now are the multi choices to the students. According to their personal interests, they can select study of instrument, travel, design of growth record, or play the sports. At this time, the homework is not tedious and rigid anymore. It is based on the interests, and thus the students exhibited great enthusiasm on doing their homework. Meanwhile, the students are able to learn more practical knowledge forwardly.

With more and more appreciation on the new style homework for winter vacation, we are thinking about more education reform in schools. The education is not only for examinations and scores, but also irragates the knowledge and correct personality to the students.

There was a sports meeting in our school last week, It began on Thursday and was over on Friday. Zhang QIang is in Class One. He is taller than any other boy in the school. He jumped highest of all. Yang Mei ran fastest, but she hurt her right foot before the sports meeting. She couldn't take part in the race . She was very sorry . There are twenty-five boys in Class Three. Some of them are strong. Miss Zhao chose four from them. They ran very fast and won the boys' 400-metre relay race. Zhang Hong ran fast, too. When the girls' 200-metre race began, she was in front. Bad luck! She fell to the ground and fell behind. And Huang Xiao feng was the first to pass the finishing line.
The sports meeting was very exciting.