关于描写动物的英语句子,要翻译 描写动物外貌的英语句子带翻译

作者&投稿:弋树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Elephant is the largest
animal on land today.

A fat pig 一只胖猪

elephant is a kind of animals who has long teeth. 大象是一种有长长的牙齿的动物


The whale is the biggest.


Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.

The cat was a remarkably beautiful animal, entirely black and sagacious to an astonishing degree.

答:熊猫,属于哺乳纲、食肉目、熊科,是大熊猫亚科和大熊猫属哺乳动物,在英语中也有关于描写熊猫的作文题材,那你想知道英语作文描写熊猫怎么写吗?下面是收集整理的一些英语作文描写熊猫翻译,大家一起来看看吧!英语作文描写熊猫翻译篇一:The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The ...

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答:he will play with me . He can give me so much happiness and now I can not leave him . I love my dog because he is one of my family numbers .翻译:我有一条很大的狗并且我很爱他。他有两只又圆又黑的眼睛,他的嗅觉也十分灵敏。它的爪子就像四朵梅花。它的尾巴总是在摇摆着...

答:It jumps, walks and guards our house. We all like Bobby in my family. We usually say it is also one of our family members.If you come to my home, you can see a white dog shaking its short tail to welcome you .Undoubtedly, it's Bobby, my lovely dog!狗是我喜欢的动物...


答:3他在考驾照钱像热锅上的蚂蚁 (like a cat on hot bricks = like a cat on a hot tin 但作为讲求意译,表述得精确可以理解,通常就是翻译成 “热锅上的蚂蚁” 这个短语通常用于口语,用来形容非常焦躁不安。)4 因为没有钱 那个计划完蛋了(a dead duck 的意思是:完蛋了)5 我的新车快速...

答:其他回答 多看些英语书虫啦 爱不单行童鞋 | 发布于2013-01-20 举报| 评论 28 174 1条折叠回答 为您推荐: 关于旅游的英语作文 关于小动物的英语作文 最喜欢的动物英语作文 我最爱的动物英语作文 五年级英语作文写动物 介绍一种动物英语作文 我的大学生活英语作文 描写动物的作文 介绍狗的英语...

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答:他高兴时就在地面上翻筋斗,真像一个大皮球在滚动。4、Panda is under the first-grade State protection.熊猫是国家一级保护动物。5、Pandas were previously zoophagous animals ,but now they have changed with the adapt to environment.熊猫以前是食肉动物,但现在随着环境的适应而改变。

答:Elephant is the largest animal on land today.大象是当今陆地上最大的动物。Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth.大象的颜色通常是灰色的,它的长鼻子里长着象牙,长着象牙。The cat is playing with a live ...