关于UFO的英语作文。2篇不同的,一篇也可以,带翻译,80字左右。不能抄袭 关于外星人的英语作文150字带翻译

作者&投稿:伊范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Unknown Flying Object)

We all know that we live in a complex world .Although the technics of the human beings are developing all the time , we still got so many unsolved problems. Among all of this puzzles , UFO is one of the most noticable things.
Now as everybody knows ,UFO is what we call Unknown Flying Object for short.For a period of time ,once we mentioned UFO , we always communicate it with high-tech ,extra-terrestrials ,outter space culture and many other exciting things .
There are a lot of witnesses around the world ,affirming that they chanced to have seen some strange things in the sky . However , most of them cannot hand in the credible evidence .That's a pity.
With the long-term efforts of the ufologists , most of the incidents are finally considered as natural phenomenons or human conducts . Some so-called UFO is just a bird , a plane , a balloon or even a plastic bag .
Until now ,we haven't found any clues on real extraterrestrial civilization or supernatural phenomenon .But we are willing to see , with the constant exertion of humanity,we will get more profound knowledge , we will get to realize the essence of the world.We have the faith!



Today I see an UFO.It is really cool.It is black.It is round.There are some aliens in it. They are very strange.They have three legs.Their skin is green.They have long ears.They have got four hands. They look very scary.Suddenly,They shoot at me.They hurt me.I say,"Ow!"Then I wake up from my dream.

Aliens are human beings on earth other than the life of the general. There has been a daydream about aliens at all times and in all countries, but now people still don't have the actual exploration of whether aliens exist, astronomers found no conclusive clues to any alien. But in theory, there are other intelligent beings in the universe is almost inevitable. As to whether human beings have the opportunity to contact, is still unknown.



答:不明飞行物在英语中是Unidentified Flying Object,取三个单词的第一个字母组成它的缩写就是UFO。香港和台湾有的书上,把UFO三个字母的发音直接用汉字写出,叫做“幽浮”,这就使它带上了神秘的色彩。 第一个UFO的报道出现在1947年6月24日,这篇报道说,民航机飞行员肯尼斯·阿诺德在华盛顿州雷尼尔山谷附近搜寻一架...

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