
作者&投稿:路盛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.Usually I only give advice for children younger than me, for example, my sister,and I will adopt personal experiences to illustrate.

2.Though I don't know why, I prefer to take advice from friends.

3.Advice from experts is authentic while we shouldn't follow them blindly but according to relative conditions

4.Comparing with giving advice, I prefer to take them.

5.I think teachers should inform their students both academic advice from books and personal advice with real experiences.

1.I usually only give advice to the children younger than me,such as my sister.I will show her my experience to talk sense.
2.I prefer to listen to friends' suggestions,which I don't know why.
3.Experts' suggestions are sulely very authoritative ,but I don't think we should believe blindly, it depends on personal conditions.
4.I prefer to accept others' advice rather than give advice to others.
5.Academic advice is from books,personal advice is from experiences,which I think the teachers should tell to students.

1. Usually I only give suggestions to little kids younger than me, like my little sister, I would use my own experiences to expound.

2. I prefer listening to my friends' suggestions, I don't really know why though.

3. Suggestions given by professionalists are very authoritive, but I wouldn't follow them without knowing why, I need to know my personal statistics.

4. Comparing to giving others suggestions, I prefer listening to others' suggestions.

5. Suggestions of study are from books, personal suggestions are from experiences, I think teachers should tell that to all students.


1、How to be a good student
2、Most people think that to study hard, outstanding academic achievement of students is a good student
3、Other people think that learning is good, body good, enthusiasm and good people are good students
4、In my opinion, a good student must study hard, good health, enthusiasm for people
5、Study hard and make excellent achievement is a student's responsibility.
6、Have a good body of people is very important
7、As a student should be kind to others, respect teachers.
8、Want to become a good student must do this 求采纳

My name is Allen. I am 22 years old. I worked at western restaurant as a SW for 3 years.My English just so so.
First, I worked at Holiday Inn as a banquet waiters.I got to know basic knowledge of service.Such as how to set up a table, service for coffee & tea, telephone manners.
Then I worked at GMBJ Hotel. I learn professional knowledge of western-style food & wine. For example, drinks Aperitif red wine.
I am an easy going person. And I am full of enthusiastic
for my job. I always have good relationship with my collegues and friends.
In my spare time, I'd like to learn English. Also I am very interested in werstern style food. I am very confident I am qualified for this position.


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