各位哥哥姐姐们,又得麻烦你们了,帮我写一篇英语作文吧,是有关城市生活利与弊的文章,要快啊 急!各位哥哥姐姐们,帮我写一篇关于高三参加体育运动的利弊的英...

作者&投稿:独孤庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Most people want to live in the city. However, there are always pros and cons. Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. In addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.However, life in the city there are many drawbacks. First of all, the city life consumption level is high. Secondly, the city population and congestion is nearly out of control . Finally, the city air pollution is serious, so t living conditions is poor.


Most people want to live in the city. However, there are always pros and cons. Of course, life in the city there are helpful for us to find a good job, and convenient transportation there. In addition, the city has a park, hotels and other places of leisure.However, life in the city there are many drawbacks. First of all, the city life consumption level is high. Secondly, the city population and congestion is nearly out of control . Finally, the city air pollution is serious, so t living conditions is poor.

The life in the city is not only relaxed, but also disgruntled. It has many advantages, first it is easy to find a nice job is a modern city. We can see tall buildings everywhere and there must be a place that we could work. Second is the traffic is convenient, scientists developed many new vehicles, like cars and planes, we can go to anywhere we want without to walk for a long time. Third is we have many parks, restaurants, zoos, and playgrounds to help us relax. Although living in the city sounds good, but it also has some disadvantages. It coats many money to buy things in the supermarkets or in the gas stations. The population grows every year. Air pollution is a very bad and important question, cause the global warming is warning us all the time!! And the living environment is suck, houses are small and dirty, but they still expensive. Living in the city is good, but there are still many thing that we should change!!




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How to conquer the bad cold in winter for school students

It is a pervasive phenomenon that a person catches bad cold in winter, especially children and elders. Some people usually inject the bacteria against the cold, now; I will give some suggestions on how to solve this problem.

First, it is a good idea to drink milk to buildup health body. Milk has enough protein. Milk is good enough for children and students. What’s more, a piece of milk is convenient for carrying, and a series of tastes come into the market constantly. Students can select their favorite taste.

Second, People always buildup strong body by doing sports, like running, playing basket ball and other sports items. Doing sports not always buildup the robust body, but also make some friends.

Third, Put on the thick coat when it turns cold and terrible, put off or put on apparel according to weather diversification.

In a word, there is more bacteria frequently in winter, make preventive preparations for winter. In the end , wish every school mate health and happy.

2009-11-12 18:21 热心网友
fb 大幅的的东方光荣 大幅fever武士为身份饭服额外 赞同0| 评论 2009-11-12 18:41 热心网友
sedndv jabbjr nfjkbejr jkej kebjjkv wengjkgk bjrbkfj jbk kdz k vz s 赞同0| 评论 今天 14:20 dengjiapeng12 | 二级
bai du 赞同0| 评论

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