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作者&投稿:赞米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Is my not enough understanding you are not enough to love deeply you
I let you believe me only and persistently but regardless of\ have scruples about your feeling


About the Book of Changes】
"Book of Changes", also known as "Book of Changes", is one of the most ancient and profound classic, is China five thousand years of wisdom and culture, crystal, known as "group after the first." Is the science of the ancient kings, statesmen, military strategist, a compulsory subject in the surgery business. Traditionally, that "the Book of Changes" originated from the "river maps, Luo book." Sage Fu Xi drew the "innate gossip." Zhou Wenwang According to Fu Xi's "innate gossip" deduction out of the "gossip the day after tomorrow", or "King Wen nosy", and further push the performance of the 64 hexagrams, and to make speech, and Yao Ci Gua. Confucius as "easy to pass." "Book of Changes" and a book, went through ancient, medieval, the next three ancient times, from Fu Xi, King Wen, three sage Confucius completed.

Nature】 【Ching
In essence, "I Ching" is a book on "divination" in the book. "Divination" is to predict future developments, and "I Ching" is the theory of summing up the law books of these projections. Ching was first used yarrow divination, and, after the generation of continuous evolution, the formation of the current commonly used "coin shake Gua Law", that is, Liu Yao prediction method.

【Forecast System】
64 Gua by Yin Yao (0), Yang Yao (1), with a binary code. It follows the strict laws of logic, using a simple system of symbols of yin and yang of the development and evolution of the universe, the pattern of simulations, and found the abstract association between things, is a new unknown area of science, in which secret deserves further research.

After more than a year of hard work, the Book of Changes prediction game software, and you finally meet us. This is a totally derived from Chinese classical prediction theory flash game software that can run on either a mobile phone to support flash, or desktop computer.
Easy that is, medical care, daily life, the puzzle can be solved to lift gloom. Therefore, the "I Ching" is: "optimistic attitude to life and do not worry." By Book of forecasting tools, you can also play with can be fun. Although the author calls the game, in fact, in a sense, he should be called "assisted decision-making process", which can generally predict the direction of development of things, this may sound weird, but it has a theoretical basis for prediction, our predecessors the accumulation of experience, but also practice to prove that the unknown with Chinese traditional scientific thinking.

Step】 【Forecast
Forecast ago:

Forecast: This software has predicted three projects, namely: the cause】 【measurement, measuring wealth 【】, 【】 measuring annoyance. 【Business】 can be measured by measuring the individual official movements, the examination for promotion is passed; 【】 measuring wealth can be measured by the success of individual businesses, can get financial; 【】 measuring annoyance can be detected trouble, worrying whether the things will happen . Measured from the desire to do 【】 column to select a forecasting project, and then began to shake hexagrams.

If you enter here is wrong, you are prompted: "The first cell type is wrong! The error was: X", or "first cell type is wrong! Values may have spaces,"

Forecasts: the results of their own get it down, waiting for verification.

Helpful tips】 【Qigua sincere heart must be in order to get piracy of software, when used mixed with impure thoughts, since an accurate reflection of the hexagrams of objective things, then how can

1、First he applied electricity to the fish to be absolutely still. Then he rapidly reduced the amount of electricity ,allowing the fish to swim away. 首先他施电流予鱼身使其静止,然后迅速降低电流使鱼可以游走。
2. When the scene begins, he causes explosions in the air by sending up large bags filled with explosives. 当实况开始,他将装满炸药的包裹扔上天空引爆了炸药。
3.John orderd his own flowers and had the clerk be sure that delivery would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her. 约翰订了花,并且叮嘱店员送花给她母亲的时候随附一张卡片,告诉他有多爱她。
4.John had been blessed in his business, and he looked at the clerk and silently mouthed that he would pay for the boy's roses. 约翰的生意受到了恩泽,他盯着店员静静的说他愿意为这个孩子的玫瑰埋单。
5.We children would enjoy that good name, unearned, unless and until we did something to lose it. 我们孩子享有不劳而获的美誉,除非他们做出成就来改变它。
6.A good name, and the responsibility that came with it, forced us children to be better than we otherwise might be. 一种美誉和其与生俱来代表的责任感,使我们孩子能够做得更好。
7.If pride in a good name keeps families and neighborhoods straight, a sense of shame is the reverse side of that coin. 如果以好名声为荣能够使家庭和睦邻里和谐,那么羞耻感则相反。
8.Some women assume it is their sole responsibility as wife and mother to take care of their children, their husband and heir home. 某些女性认为照顾好孩子丈夫和家庭是她们作为一个母亲和妻子的唯一责任。
9.They believe if they quit their job, they could devote more time and energy to be a good wife and mother than they could if they don't. 她们相信如果辞职,她们会有更多的时间和精力来做一个好妈妈和妻子。
10.Many mothers who in the past might have felt trapped in their homes have seized opportunities to use their energy and potential in stimulating careers. 许多的曾经感觉受到家庭的羁绊的母亲现在抓住了机会将更多的精力和潜力投入到有挑战性的工作当中。