
作者&投稿:鱼厘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.Here are some rules to make sure that you will have a good trip.
2.For protecting forest, please do not make a fire in the woods.
3.Please do not throw about rubbish.
4.The villagers here acqurie water reasonably hereby so please keep the river clean.
5.Meanwhile, please protect the animals and plants, do not attack birds and the other animals, and also do not pick flowers , and name of this kind.

1. Here are some rules to make sure you have a pleasant trip in the future.
2. To protect the forest, please do not make a fire in the woods.
3. Please do not throw trash everywhere. 其实下句更专业:Please do not litter.
4. The village people here get drinkable water from the river nearby, so please keep the stream clean.
5. At the same time please protect animals and plants, do not attack birds or other animals, do not pick flowers.

1here are some rules to make sure you have a pleasant trip in the future.
2 to protect the forest ,dont light anything up in the woods.
3 dont throw the waste about.
4 the villagers here get water for drinking nearby properly,so pls keep the river clean.
5and pls protect the animals and plants as well,dont attacks birds and other animals,pick flowers .


Online shopping is attracting more and more customers for its diversities, convenience and preferential prices. Although the online shopping in China started a bit late, it has been developing rapidly, and the trend of such development, particularly among college students, shall not be neglected. By means of questionnaire survey, typical interviews and expert discussions, and by analysing the interviews and statistic data, this essay, targeting at the in-school students of xxxx College, focus on the discussion of problems existing in the students' online shopping activities and provides relevant suggestions.

Assistant: There are assassins! Quick, seize them!
B: Look what you’ve done! We’re now discovered!
A: This calls for our last shot, we should kill the president! (Subsequently, A and B decides to fight the presidential guards. The building is driven into chaos as the presidential guards battled with the two spies.)
Assistant: Quick, protect the president! Why would someone come assassinate the president today? This is insanity! (The assistant guards the president on their escape while fighting the spies. The battle has been a fierce one, and eventually the assistant was shot by the spies. The president was shot immediately afterwards. The presidential assassination was successfully completed in the end.)

(111 words)


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