
作者&投稿:秘裘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A: Knock Knock Knock ~ ~
B: Please come in.
A: Manager, May I ask you a question?
B: Of course! What's the problem?
A: Ok. These days I have heard some rumors that the company is considering to move the whole financial department to Hungary, is this true?
B: I don't know much about this issue. .
A: Haven't you received a formal document from the company to address this issue?
B: No, there were no documents issued. But shouldn't we support the company for whatever decision the company has made?
A: But we have a good prospect here, and Hungarian is too far away. Most of our department employees live here, won't it be difficulty to move the company there?
B: I think you are worrying too much. If the company really let us move there, the company will help us to solve these issues, regardless of work or life,
A: I hope so. In fact, our company has always been very considerate.
B: Of course. Do you have other questions?
A: No.
B: Then, go back to work, I will let you know as soon as the higher authorities give me any instructions.
A: Thank you, manager, I will go to work now.
B: Okay.

A: Ring~ring~ring
B: Hello
A: Hello, Ms. XX, I am the manager of XX language services company. I have reevaluate the translation price based on the e-mail you sent me. I hope you will be satisfied with this lower price.
B: What percentage of the price did your company drop? Be aware that some companies offer about 15% lower than your company.
A: we only drop the price by 5%.
B: I am sorry to say that I think the price is still too high.
A: The situation is like this. As a regular customer of our company like you, we have already given you a great discount, and you should know that we are professionals in translation. All our staff have to undergo a professional training, and has many years of practical experiences. We also have a number of long-term business dealings with some large enterprises. As a result, the price my company offered you is absolutely reasonable.
A: Of course, I understand all of these.
B: So, it is the right thing that you chose our company. Although the price is more expensive, but our quality is much better compare to other companies.
A: Okay. May I take more time to think about it?
B: Of course.
A: Do you have anything else?
B: No
A: I'll hang up then, you can phone me if you have any thing comes up.
B: Okay, bye.
A: Bye.


A: Knock Knock Knock ~ ~

B: please come in.

A: manager, I have a question to ask you, OK?

B: of course! What is the problem even though!

A: good. These days I have heard some rumours, that is company financial department to our overall moved to Hungary, is this true?

B: what about this thing I don't know.

A: do not give your company issued a formal document?

B: Yes, no documents issued. But whether the corporation how to make decisions, we should support, not?

A: but here the development prospect has been good, but the Hungarian home is too far away, our department most employees are here, if you have some difficulty to move past is it right??

B: I think you worry too much, if the company really let us move to there, regardless of work or life, the company will help us solve the

A: I hope. In fact, our system has always been very humane

B: it is natural. Do you have any other things

A: no

B: do good work go, if the superior really what instructions, I must first time to let you know

A: Thank you for the manager, I go to work

B: Well


A: ring the bell

B: Hello

A: Hello, Ms. XX, I am XX language services company in charge of people, I have directed you to give me the e-mail to make translation price. Hope this can make you satisfied with the price down.

B: that your company revised translation cut the price how many percent? Be aware that some companies offer about 15% lower than your company

A: we only cut 5%

B: sorry, I think the price is too high

A: that is the case. You as the customers of our company, we have already given you much to offer, and you should know us in translation is of sufficient strength. We all staff to undergo professional training, has many years of practical experience, but also with a number of large enterprises have long-term business dealings, so my company to your quoted price is reasonable

A: of course, all this I know.

B: so, you choose our company is right. Although the price is more expensive, but the technical content is relative to other companies a lot better

A: okay. Let me think about it?

B: of course

A: do you have anything else?

B: no

A: I'll hang up, you have what problem can directly call me

B: OK, bye.

A: bye


A: Hey, yesterday, English review how well it? Today is the day of the exam.
B: never mind. Yesterday, my family next to the constant noise of the factory all day, if not I might have deaf ear.
A: true? How do you not to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) complaint?
B: They receive complaints Mody?
A: do not try do not know, See you tomorrow.
B: Well, see you tomorrow.
A: the school side of the river stinks too much, I can not concentrate on their studies, in a full of waste and the remains of the river next to the fish.
B: That is because the upstream plants to water down waste and heavy metals.
A: I think we should take the exposure to the web.
B: I support the spirit you, I wish you good luck.
1. To leave future generations a beautiful sky.
2. Saving was a virtue.
PART4. Today we want to share with you some words on topics of environmental protection and dialogue, hope that we can use in the future.
First of all for me to introduce the word, I shall now read.
XX, I will introduce now the sentence.
We will also do some dialogue on environmental protection.
Introduced to this end.

I am sorry for my absence from your class ,due to the exam hold on Friday.This is the leave request written by our instructor.

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